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Security Guidelines

Computer security is the responsibility of not only the site administrator, but of everyone who has access to a computer at the site.

System users should safeguard their data by using appropriate file and directory permissions in addition to using and guarding their account passwords.

Site administrators, and to some extent system users, should be aware of the following:

System security under IRIX is primarily dependent on system login accounts and passwords. Proper administration, user education, and use of the facilities provided yield adequate security for most sites. Most security breaches are the result of human error and improper use of the provided security features. No extra measures yield more security if the basic features are not used or are compromised by user actions. Also, periodically log in with anonymous FTP to and look in the directory ~ftp/security for any security patches for your system.

Note: If you are using NFS or NIS on your system, see the discussions in "Disabling NIS (YP)" and "Limiting NFS Access".

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