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How Long to Keep Backups

You can keep backups as long as you think you need to. In practice, few sites keep system backup tapes longer than about a year before recycling the tape for new backups. Usually, data for specific purposes and projects is backed up at specific project milestones (for example, when a project is started or finished). As site administrator, you should consult with your users to determine how long to keep filesystem backups.

With magnetic tapes, however, there are certain physical limitations. Tape gradually loses its flux (magnetism) over time. After about two years, tape can start to lose data.

For long-term storage, re-copy magnetic tapes every year to year-and-a-half to prevent data loss through deterioration. When possible, use checksum programs, such as the sum(1) utility, to make sure data hasn't deteriorated or altered in the copying process. If you want to reliably store data for several years, consider using optical disk.

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