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CPU Tuning: Advanced Techniques

After you've applied the techniques discussed in the previous sections, consider using these advanced techniques to tune CPU-limited applications:

Mixing Computation With Graphics

When you are fine-tuning an application, interleaving computation and graphics can make it better balanced and therefore more efficient. Key places for interleaving are after glXSwapBuffers(), glClear(), and drawing operations that are known to be fill limited (such as drawing a backdrop or a ground plane or any other large polygon).

A glXSwapBuffers() call creates a special situation. After calling glXSwapBuffers(), an application may be forced to wait for the next vertical retrace (in the worst case, up to 16.7 msecs) before it can issue more graphics calls. For a program drawing 10 frames per second, 15% of the time (worst case) can be spent waiting for the buffer swap to occur.

In contrast, non-graphic computation is not forced to wait for a vertical retrace. Therefore, if there is a section of computation that must be done every frame that includes no graphics calls, it can be done after the glXSwapBuffers() instead of causing a CPU limitation during drawing.

Clearing the screen is a time-consuming operation. Doing non-graphics computation immediately after the clear is more efficient than sending additional graphics requests down the pipeline and being forced to wait when the pipeline's input queue overflows.

Experimentation is required to

For example, if a new computation references a large section of data that is not in the data cache, the data for drawing may be swapped out for the computation, then swapped back in for drawing, resulting in worse performance than the original organization.

Examining Assembly Code

When tuning inner rendering loops, examining assembly code can be helpful. Use dis to disassemble optimized code for a given procedure, and correlate assembly code lines with line numbers from the source code file. This is especially helpful for examining optimized code. The -S option to cc produces a .s file of assembly output, complete with your original comments.

You need not be an expert in MIPS assembly code to interpret the results. Just looking at the number of extra instructions required for an apparently innocuous operation is informative. Knowing some basics about MIPS assembly code can be helpful for finding performance bugs in inner loops. See MIPS RISC Architecture, by Gerry Kane, listed in "Background Reading" on page xxv for additional information.

Using Additional Processors for Complex Scene Management

If your application is running on systems with multiple processors, consider supplying an option for doing scene management on additional processors to relieve the rendering processor from the burden of expensive computation.

Using additional processors may also reduce the amount of data rendered for a given frame. Simplifying or reducing rendering for a given scene can help reduce bottlenecks in all parts of the pipeline, as well as the CPU. One example is removing unseen or backfacing objects. Another common technique is to use an additional processor to determine when objects are going to appear very far away and use a simpler model with fewer polygons and less expensive modes for distant objects. This is known as level-of-detail rendering.

Modeling to the Graphics Pipeline

The modeling of the database directly affects the rendering performance of the resulting application and therefore needs to match the performance characteristics of the graphics pipeline and make trade-offs with the database traversals. Graphics pipelines that support connected primitives, such as triangle meshes, benefit from having long meshes in the database. However, the length of the meshes affects the resulting database hierarchy, and long strips through the database do not cull well with simple bounding geometry.

Model objects with an understanding of inherent bottlenecks in the graphics pipeline:

There are several other modeling tricks that can reduce database complexity:

Mixing Computation With Graphics
Examining Assembly Code
Using Additional Processors for Complex Scene Management
Modeling to the Graphics Pipeline

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