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Optimizing Database Rendering Code

This section includes some suggestions for writing peak-performance code for inner rendering loops.

Ideally, an application spends most of its time traversing the database and sending data to the graphics pipeline. Instructions in the display loop are executed many times every frame, creating hot spots. Any extra overhead in a hot spot is greatly magnified by the number of times it is executed.

When using simple, high-performance graphics primitives, the application is even more likely to be CPU limited. The data traversal must be optimized so that it does not become a bottleneck.

During rendering, the sections of code that actually issue graphics commands should be the hot spots in application code. These subroutines should use peak-performance coding methods. Small improvements to a line that is executed for every vertex in a database accumulate to have a noticeable effect when the entire frame is rendered.

The rest of this section looks at examples and techniques for optimizing immediate-mode rendering:

Examples for Optimizing Data Structures for Drawing

Follow these suggestions for optimizing how your application accesses data:

Examples for Optimizing Program Structure

Using Specialized Drawing Subroutines and Macros

This section looks at several ways to improve performance by making appropriate choices about display modes, geometry, and so on.

Preprocessing Drawing Data: Introduction

Putting some extra effort into generating a simpler database makes a significant difference when traversing that data for display. A common tendency is to leave the data in a format that is good for loading or generating the object, but not optimal for actually displaying it. For peak performance, do as much of the work as possible before rendering.

Preprocessing turns a difficult database into a database that is easy to render quickly. This is typically done at initialization or when changing from a modeling to a fast-rendering mode. This section discusses "Preprocessing Meshes Into Fixed-Length Strips" and "Preprocessing Vertex Loops" to illustrate this point.

Preprocessing Meshes Into Fixed-Length Strips

Preprocessing can be used to turn general meshes into fixed-length strips.

The following sample code shows a commonly used, but inefficient, way to write a triangle strip render loop:

float* dataptr;
while (!done) switch(*dataptr) {
    case BEGINSTRIP:
    case ENDSTRIP:
    case EXIT:
        done = 1;
    default: /* have a vertex !!! */
        glVertex3fv(dataptr + 4);
        dataptr += 8;
This traversal method incurs a significant amount of per-vertex overhead. The loop is evaluated for every vertex and every vertex must also be checked to make sure that it is not a flag. This wastes time and also brings all of the object data through the cache. This practice reduces the performance advantage of using triangle strips. Any variation of this code that has per-vertex overhead is likely to be CPU limited for most types of simple graphics operations.

Preprocessing Vertex Loops

Preprocessing is also possible for vertex loops:

for (i=num_verts; i > 0; i--) {
    dataptr += 8;
For peak immediate mode performance, precompile strips into specialized primitives of fixed length. Only a few fixed lengths are needed. For example, use strips that consist of 12, 8, and 2 primitives.

Note: The optimal length may vary depending on the hardware the program runs on. For more information, see Chapter 14, "System-Specific Tuning." These specialized strips are then sorted by size, resulting in the efficient loop shown in this sample code:

/* dump out N 8-triangle strips */
for (i=N; i > 0; i--) {
    dataptr += 64;
A mesh of length 12 is about the maximum for unrolling. Unrolling helps to reduce the overall cost-per-loop overhead, but after a point, it produces no further gain.

Note: Over-unrolling eventually hurts performance by increasing code size and reducing effectiveness of the instruction cache. The degree of unrolling depends on the processor; run some benchmarks to understand the optimal program structure on your system.

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