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CPU Tuning: Display Lists

In display-list mode, pieces of the database are compiled into static chunks that can then be sent to the graphics pipeline. In this case, the display list is a separate copy of the database that can be stored in main memory in a form optimized for feeding the rest of the pipeline. The database traversal task is to hand the correct chunks to the graphics pipeline. Display lists can be recreated easily with some additional performance cost.

Tuning for display lists focuses mainly on reducing storage requirements. Performance improves if the data fit in the cache because this avoids cache misses when the data is retraversed.

Follow these rules to optimize display lists:

Display lists are best used for static objects. Do not put dynamic data or operations in display lists. Instead, use a mixture of display lists for static objects and immediate mode for dynamic operations.

Note: See Chapter 14, "System-Specific Tuning," for potential display list optimizations on the system you are using.

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