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CPU Tuning: Basics

The first stage of the rendering pipeline is traversal of the data and sending the current rendering data to the rest of the pipeline. In theory, the entire rendering database (scene graph) must be traversed in some fashion for each frame because both scene content and viewer position can be dynamic.

To get the best possible CPU performance, follow these two overall guidelines:

When an application is CPU limited, the entire graphics pipeline may be sitting idle for periods of time. The following sections describe techniques for structuring application code so that the CPU doesn't become the bottleneck.

Immediate Mode Drawing Versus Display Lists

In deciding whether to use immediate mode drawing or display lists, consider the following advantages and disadvantages of display lists. In the end, the characteristics of your application determine which approach to take.

Display lists have the following advantages:

Display lists do have drawbacks that may affect some applications:

For moderate amounts of static data, there is seldom a good reason not to use display lists. Note the reason that the following section on immediate mode drawing is much longer than the section on display lists: Display lists are optimized by the system, and therefore require less work. That alone may be a good reason to prefer display lists under the appropriate circumstances.

Immediate Mode Drawing Versus Display Lists

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