Automated Presentation of directory bin/

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Please be aware: what appears below are the v4.2 DT bits in auto-generated html form.
As we have the time, we will update these to reflect the current "state of the world".

README file from "bin" directory

                        ~4Dgifts/toolbox/bin README

   This subtree contains binary tools deemed useful for inclusion into the 
   Developer Toolbox.  For various reasons, the source code for these apps
   are not available.  Thus, they are included here as binaries only.

   CDmastering  - has moved to its new home, toolbox/utilities/CDmastering

   fsn          - a 3D file system navigator in cyberspace, allowing a 
                  user to "fly through" a 3D representation of a file 
                  system.  As of v6.0, fsn now can provides a search
		  capability, as well as being able to digest relative paths.
                  This version contains a .FSN_.._ data-base file in this 
		  directory that it will read when is run.  Use fsn 
		  as an alternative to visually scanning the Toolbox tree.
                  A new copy of the man page lives in doc,etc./fsn.z and an
		  ascii text pre-formated version of this can be found in

   games        - contains binaries + doc + data files (in ./.data) for 
                  various grafix[/audio] games.  Regretably, for legal 
                  reasons, the source for blackbox, pods, and sb is not 
                  available for distribution.  As Dick the Butcher says 
                  to Jack Cade in the second part of Shakespeare's 
                  Henry VI (2.4.70), "The first thing we do, let's kill 
                  all the lawyers."

   oneko        - great cat|dog chases the mouse|bone around the screen.

   setfb        - has moved to its new home, toolbox/utilities/setfb

   tiepoint     - demos the use of Control or Tie points to determine 
                  the coefficients of a polynomial warping function.

   zip          - zip has become defunct in Irix 5.1.  It has been
                  "absorbed" into jot.  See the zipR.I.P. file for more 

Files of interest from "bin" directory



Select any combo of files you'd like to send yourself a compressed tar image of. Executables/scripts are indicated with a trailing `*' character. (Depending upon the browser, it may be necessary to hold down the Ctrl key to select/deselect disjoint items.) a compressed tar image of the above-selected items.
OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire bin directory.

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.