
class FXUndoList

The Undo List class manages a list of undoable commands


Public Methods

[more] FXUndoList()
Make new empty undo list, initially unmarked
[more]void cut()
Cut the redo list
[more]FXbool add(FXCommand* command, FXbool doit=FALSE)
Add new command, executing if desired
[more]FXbool undo()
Undo last command
[more]FXbool redo()
Redo next command
[more]FXbool undoAll()
Undo all commands
[more]FXbool redoAll()
Redo all commands
[more]FXbool revert()
Revert to marked
[more]FXbool canUndo() const
Can we undo more commands
[more]FXbool canRedo() const
Can we redo more commands
[more]FXbool canRevert() const
Can revert to marked
[more]FXCommand* current() const
Current undo command
[more]FXint undoCount() const
Number of undo records
[more]FXuint undoSize() const
Size of undo information
[more]void clear()
Clear list, and unmark all states
[more]void trimCount(FXint nc)
Trim undo list down to at most nc commands
[more]void trimSize(FXuint sz)
Trim undo list down to at most size sz
[more]void mark()
Mark the current state of the undo list, which is initially unmarked.
[more]void unmark()
Unmark all states in the undo list
[more]FXbool marked() const
Check if the current state was marked, if the application has returned to the previously marked state
[more] ~FXUndoList()
Clean up

Inherited from FXObject:

Public Methods

oconst FXchar* getClassName() const
oFXbool isMemberOf(const FXMetaClass* metaclass) const
ovirtual void save(FXStream& store) const
ovirtual void load(FXStream& store)


The Undo List class manages a list of undoable commands
o FXUndoList()
Make new empty undo list, initially unmarked

ovoid cut()
Cut the redo list

oFXbool add(FXCommand* command, FXbool doit=FALSE)
Add new command, executing if desired

oFXbool undo()
Undo last command

oFXbool redo()
Redo next command

oFXbool undoAll()
Undo all commands

oFXbool redoAll()
Redo all commands

oFXbool revert()
Revert to marked

oFXbool canUndo() const
Can we undo more commands

oFXbool canRedo() const
Can we redo more commands

oFXbool canRevert() const
Can revert to marked

oFXCommand* current() const
Current undo command

oFXint undoCount() const
Number of undo records

oFXuint undoSize() const
Size of undo information

ovoid clear()
Clear list, and unmark all states

ovoid trimCount(FXint nc)
Trim undo list down to at most nc commands

ovoid trimSize(FXuint sz)
Trim undo list down to at most size sz

ovoid mark()
Mark the current state of the undo list, which is initially unmarked. There can be only one active mark at any time.

ovoid unmark()
Unmark all states in the undo list

oFXbool marked() const
Check if the current state was marked, if the application has returned to the previously marked state

o ~FXUndoList()
Clean up

This class has no child classes.

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