
class FXCommand

Base class for undoable commands

Public Methods

[more]virtual void undo() = 0
Undo this command; this should save the information for a subsequent redo
[more]virtual void redo() = 0
Redo this command; this should save the information for a subsequent undo
[more]virtual FXuint size() const = 0
Return the size of the information in the undo record.
[more]virtual FXString undoName() const = 0
Name of the undo command to be shown on a button; for example, "Undo Delete"
[more]virtual FXString redoName() const = 0
Name of the redo command to be shown on a button; for example, "Redo Delete"
[more]virtual ~FXCommand()
Delete undo command


Base class for undoable commands
ovirtual void undo() = 0
Undo this command; this should save the information for a subsequent redo

ovirtual void redo() = 0
Redo this command; this should save the information for a subsequent undo

ovirtual FXuint size() const = 0
Return the size of the information in the undo record. The undo list may be trimmed to limit memory usage to a certain limit.

ovirtual FXString undoName() const = 0
Name of the undo command to be shown on a button; for example, "Undo Delete"

ovirtual FXString redoName() const = 0
Name of the redo command to be shown on a button; for example, "Redo Delete"

ovirtual ~FXCommand()
Delete undo command

This class has no child classes.
class FXUndoList

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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