
class FXTable

Table Widget


Public Methods

[more]virtual FXbool canFocus() const
Table widget can receive focus
[more]virtual void setFocus()
Move the focus to this window
[more]virtual void killFocus()
Remove the focus from this window
[more]void setVisibleRows(FXint nvrows)
Change visible rows/columns
[more]FXbool isHorzGridShown() const
Is horizontal grid shown
[more]FXbool isVertGridShown() const
Is vertical grid shown
[more]void showHorzGrid(FXbool on=TRUE)
Show or hide horizontal grid
[more]void showVertGrid(FXbool on=TRUE)
Show or hide vertical grid
[more]virtual FXint getContentWidth()
Compute content size
[more]virtual void moveContents(FXint x, FXint y)
Scroll contents
[more]void setTableSize(FXint nr, FXint nc, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Resize the table content to nr rows and nc columns
[more]FXint getNumRows() const
Get number of rows
[more]FXint getNumCols() const
Get number of columns
[more]void setMarginTop(FXint pt)
Change cell margins
[more]FXuint getTableStyle() const
Change table style
[more]virtual void setLeadingRows(FXint leadrows)
Get/set leading rows
[more]virtual void setLeadingCols(FXint leadcols)
Get/set leading columns
[more]virtual void setTrailingRows(FXint trailrows)
Get/set trailing rows
[more]virtual void setTrailingCols(FXint trailcols)
Get/set trailing columns
[more]FXint rowAtY(FXint y) const
Determine row containing y; returns -1 if y outside of table
[more]FXint colAtX(FXint x) const
Determine column containing x; returns -1 if x outside of table
[more]FXTableItem* getItem(FXint row, FXint col) const
Return the item at the given index
[more]void setItem(FXint row, FXint col, FXTableItem* item)
Replace the item with a [possibly subclassed] item
[more]virtual void insertRows(FXint row, FXint nr=1, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Insert new row
[more]virtual void insertColumns(FXint col, FXint nc=1, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Insert new column
[more]virtual void removeRows(FXint row, FXint nr=1, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Remove rows of cells
[more]virtual void removeColumns(FXint col, FXint nc=1, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Remove column of cells
[more]virtual void removeItem(FXint row, FXint col, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Remove single cell
[more]void makePositionVisible(FXint r, FXint c)
Scroll to make cell at r,c fully visible
[more]void setColumnWidth(FXint col, FXint cwidth)
Change column width
[more]void setRowHeight(FXint row, FXint rheight)
Change row height
[more]void setColumnX(FXint col, FXint x)
Change X coordinate of column c
[more]void setRowY(FXint row, FXint y)
Change Y coordinate of row r
[more]void setDefColumnWidth(FXint cwidth)
Change default column width
[more]void setDefRowHeight(FXint rheight)
Change default row height
[more]void setItemText(FXint r, FXint c, const FXString& text)
Modify cell text
[more]void setItemIcon(FXint r, FXint c, FXIcon* icon)
Modify cell icon
[more]void setItemData(FXint r, FXint c, void* ptr)
Modify cell user-data
[more]FXbool isItemSelected(FXint r, FXint c) const
Is cell selected, current, visible, enabled
[more]void updateRange(FXint sr, FXint er, FXint sc, FXint ec)
Repaint cells between grid lines sr,er and grid lines sc,ec
[more]void updateItem(FXint r, FXint c)
Repaint cell at r,c
[more]FXbool enableItem(FXint r, FXint c)
Enable, disable, select, deselect, toggle cell
[more]void setCurrentItem(FXint r, FXint c, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Change current cell
[more]void setAnchorItem(FXint r, FXint c)
Change anchored cell
[more]FXbool selectRange(FXint sr, FXint er, FXint sc, FXint ec, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Select range
[more]FXbool extendSelection(FXint r, FXint c, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Extend selection
[more]FXbool killSelection(FXbool notify=FALSE)
Kill selection
[more]void setFont(FXFont* fnt)
Change font
[more]FXColor getTextColor() const
Obtain colors of various parts
[more]void setTextColor(FXColor clr)
Change colors of various parts
[more]void setCellColor(FXint r, FXint c, FXColor clr)
Change cell background color for even/odd rows/columns
[more]FXColor getCellColor(FXint r, FXint c) const
Obtain cell background color for even/odd rows/columns
[more]void setCellBorderWidth(FXint borderwidth)
Change cell border width
[more]FXint getCellBorderWidth() const
Return cell border width
[more]void setHelpText(const FXString& text)
Change help text
[more]virtual void save(FXStream& store) const

Public Members

[more] Make new table with nr visible rows and nc visible columns; the table
[more] Report default size, which is determined based on the

Inherited from FXScrollArea:

Public Methods

ovirtual FXint getDefaultWidth()
ovirtual FXint getDefaultHeight()
ovirtual FXint getViewportHeight()
ovoid setScrollStyle(FXuint style)
oFXuint getScrollStyle() const
oFXbool isHorizontalScrollable() const
oFXbool isVerticalScrollable() const
oFXScrollbar* horizontalScrollbar() const
oFXScrollbar* verticalScrollbar() const
oFXint getXPosition() const
oFXint getYPosition() const
ovoid setPosition(FXint x, FXint y)
ovoid getPosition(FXint& x, FXint& y) const

Inherited from FXComposite:

Public Methods

ovirtual void create()
ovirtual void detach()
ovirtual void destroy()
oFXint maxChildWidth() const
oFXint maxChildHeight() const
ovirtual FXbool isComposite() const

Inherited from FXWindow:

Public Methods

oFXWindow* getParent() const
oFXWindow* getOwner() const
oFXWindow* getShell() const
oFXWindow* getRoot() const
oFXWindow* getNext() const
oFXWindow* getPrev() const
oFXWindow* getFirst() const
oFXWindow* getLast() const
oFXWindow* getFocus() const
ovoid setKey(FXuint k)
oFXuint getKey() const
ovoid setTarget(FXObject* t)
oFXObject* getTarget() const
ovoid setSelector(FXSelector sel)
oFXSelector getSelector() const
oFXint getX() const
oFXint getY() const
ovirtual FXint getWidthForHeight(FXint givenheight)
ovirtual FXint getHeightForWidth(FXint givenwidth)
ovoid setX(FXint x)
ovoid setY(FXint y)
ovoid setWidth(FXint w)
ovoid setHeight(FXint h)
ovoid setLayoutHints(FXuint lout)
oFXuint getLayoutHints() const
oFXAccelTable* getAccelTable() const
ovoid setAccelTable(FXAccelTable* acceltable)
ovoid addHotKey(FXHotKey code)
ovoid remHotKey(FXHotKey code)
oFXbool isShell() const
oFXbool isChildOf(const FXWindow* window) const
oFXbool containsChild(const FXWindow* child) const
oFXWindow* getChildAt(FXint x, FXint y) const
oFXint numChildren() const
oFXint indexOfChild(const FXWindow* window) const
oFXWindow* childAtIndex(FXint index) const
ostatic FXWindow* commonAncestor(FXWindow* a, FXWindow* b)
ovoid setDefaultCursor(FXCursor* cur)
oFXCursor* getDefaultCursor() const
ovoid setDragCursor(FXCursor* cur)
oFXCursor* getDragCursor() const
oFXint getCursorPosition(FXint& x, FXint& y, FXuint& buttons) const
oFXint setCursorPosition(FXint x, FXint y)
oFXbool isEnabled() const
oFXbool isActive() const
oFXbool hasFocus() const
ovirtual void setDefault(FXbool enable=TRUE)
oFXbool isDefault() const
ovoid setInitial(FXbool enable=TRUE)
oFXbool isInitial() const
ovirtual void enable()
ovirtual void disable()
ovirtual void raise()
ovirtual void lower()
ovirtual void move(FXint x, FXint y)
ovirtual void resize(FXint w, FXint h)
ovirtual void position(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
ovirtual void recalc()
ovoid forceRefresh()
ovirtual void reparent(FXWindow* newparent)
ovoid scroll(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h, FXint dx, FXint dy)
ovoid update(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
ovoid update()
ovoid repaint(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
ovoid repaint()
ovoid grab()
ovoid ungrab()
oFXbool grabbed() const
ovoid grabKeyboard()
ovoid ungrabKeyboard()
oFXbool grabbedKeyboard() const
ovirtual void show()
ovirtual void hide()
oFXbool shown() const
oFXbool underCursor() const
oFXbool hasSelection() const
oFXbool acquireSelection(const FXDragType* types, FXuint numtypes)
oFXbool releaseSelection()
oFXbool hasClipboard() const
oFXbool acquireClipboard(const FXDragType* types, FXuint numtypes)
oFXbool releaseClipboard()
ovoid dropEnable()
ovoid dropDisable()
oFXbool isDropEnabled() const
oFXbool isDragging() const
oFXbool beginDrag(const FXDragType* types, FXuint numtypes)
oFXbool handleDrag(FXint x, FXint y, FXDragAction action=DRAG_COPY)
oFXbool endDrag(FXbool drop=TRUE)
oFXbool isDropTarget() const
ovoid setDragRectangle(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h, FXbool wantupdates=TRUE)
ovoid clearDragRectangle()
ovoid acceptDrop(FXDragAction action=DRAG_ACCEPT)
oFXDragAction didAccept() const
oFXbool inquireDNDTypes(FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType*& types, FXuint& numtypes)
oFXbool offeredDNDType(FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type)
oFXDragAction inquireDNDAction() const
oFXbool setDNDData(FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type, FXuchar* data, FXuint size)
oFXbool getDNDData(FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type, FXuchar*& data, FXuint& size)
ovirtual FXbool contains(FXint parentx, FXint parenty) const
ovoid translateCoordinatesFrom(FXint& tox, FXint& toy, const FXWindow* fromwindow, FXint fromx, FXint fromy) const
ovoid translateCoordinatesTo(FXint& tox, FXint& toy, const FXWindow* towindow, FXint fromx, FXint fromy) const
ovirtual void setBackColor(FXColor clr)
oFXColor getBackColor() const
ovoid linkBefore(FXWindow* sibling)
ovoid linkAfter(FXWindow* sibling)
ovirtual void load(FXStream& store)

Inherited from FXDrawable:

Public Methods

oFXint getWidth() const
oFXint getHeight() const
oFXVisual* getVisual() const
ovoid setVisual(FXVisual* vis)

Inherited from FXId:

Public Methods

oFXApp* getApp() const
oFXID id() const
ovoid setUserData(void* ptr)
ovoid* getUserData() const

Inherited from FXObject:

Public Methods

oconst FXchar* getClassName() const
oFXbool isMemberOf(const FXMetaClass* metaclass) const


Table Widget
o Make new table with nr visible rows and nc visible columns; the table
Make new table with nr visible rows and nc visible columns; the table

ovirtual FXbool canFocus() const
Table widget can receive focus

ovirtual void setFocus()
Move the focus to this window

ovirtual void killFocus()
Remove the focus from this window

ovoid setVisibleRows(FXint nvrows)
Change visible rows/columns

oFXbool isHorzGridShown() const
Is horizontal grid shown

oFXbool isVertGridShown() const
Is vertical grid shown

ovoid showHorzGrid(FXbool on=TRUE)
Show or hide horizontal grid

ovoid showVertGrid(FXbool on=TRUE)
Show or hide vertical grid

o Report default size, which is determined based on the
Report default size, which is determined based on the

ovirtual FXint getContentWidth()
Compute content size

ovirtual void moveContents(FXint x, FXint y)
Scroll contents

ovoid setTableSize(FXint nr, FXint nc, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Resize the table content to nr rows and nc columns

oFXint getNumRows() const
Get number of rows

oFXint getNumCols() const
Get number of columns

ovoid setMarginTop(FXint pt)
Change cell margins

oFXuint getTableStyle() const
Change table style

ovirtual void setLeadingRows(FXint leadrows)
Get/set leading rows

ovirtual void setLeadingCols(FXint leadcols)
Get/set leading columns

ovirtual void setTrailingRows(FXint trailrows)
Get/set trailing rows

ovirtual void setTrailingCols(FXint trailcols)
Get/set trailing columns

oFXint rowAtY(FXint y) const
Determine row containing y; returns -1 if y outside of table

oFXint colAtX(FXint x) const
Determine column containing x; returns -1 if x outside of table

oFXTableItem* getItem(FXint row, FXint col) const
Return the item at the given index

ovoid setItem(FXint row, FXint col, FXTableItem* item)
Replace the item with a [possibly subclassed] item

ovirtual void insertRows(FXint row, FXint nr=1, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Insert new row

ovirtual void insertColumns(FXint col, FXint nc=1, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Insert new column

ovirtual void removeRows(FXint row, FXint nr=1, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Remove rows of cells

ovirtual void removeColumns(FXint col, FXint nc=1, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Remove column of cells

ovirtual void removeItem(FXint row, FXint col, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Remove single cell

ovoid makePositionVisible(FXint r, FXint c)
Scroll to make cell at r,c fully visible

ovoid setColumnWidth(FXint col, FXint cwidth)
Change column width

ovoid setRowHeight(FXint row, FXint rheight)
Change row height

ovoid setColumnX(FXint col, FXint x)
Change X coordinate of column c

ovoid setRowY(FXint row, FXint y)
Change Y coordinate of row r

ovoid setDefColumnWidth(FXint cwidth)
Change default column width

ovoid setDefRowHeight(FXint rheight)
Change default row height

ovoid setItemText(FXint r, FXint c, const FXString& text)
Modify cell text

ovoid setItemIcon(FXint r, FXint c, FXIcon* icon)
Modify cell icon

ovoid setItemData(FXint r, FXint c, void* ptr)
Modify cell user-data

oFXbool isItemSelected(FXint r, FXint c) const
Is cell selected, current, visible, enabled

ovoid updateRange(FXint sr, FXint er, FXint sc, FXint ec)
Repaint cells between grid lines sr,er and grid lines sc,ec

ovoid updateItem(FXint r, FXint c)
Repaint cell at r,c

oFXbool enableItem(FXint r, FXint c)
Enable, disable, select, deselect, toggle cell

ovoid setCurrentItem(FXint r, FXint c, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Change current cell

ovoid setAnchorItem(FXint r, FXint c)
Change anchored cell

oFXbool selectRange(FXint sr, FXint er, FXint sc, FXint ec, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Select range

oFXbool extendSelection(FXint r, FXint c, FXbool notify=FALSE)
Extend selection

oFXbool killSelection(FXbool notify=FALSE)
Kill selection

ovoid setFont(FXFont* fnt)
Change font

oFXColor getTextColor() const
Obtain colors of various parts

ovoid setTextColor(FXColor clr)
Change colors of various parts

ovoid setCellColor(FXint r, FXint c, FXColor clr)
Change cell background color for even/odd rows/columns

oFXColor getCellColor(FXint r, FXint c) const
Obtain cell background color for even/odd rows/columns

ovoid setCellBorderWidth(FXint borderwidth)
Change cell border width

oFXint getCellBorderWidth() const
Return cell border width

ovoid setHelpText(const FXString& text)
Change help text

ovirtual void save(FXStream& store) const

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