
class FXRegistry

The registry maintains a database of persistent settings for an application, or suite of applications


Public Methods

[more] FXRegistry(const FXString& akey=FXString::null, const FXString& vkey=FXString::null)
Construct registry object; akey and vkey must be string constants.
[more]FXbool read()
Read registry
[more]FXbool write()
Write registry
[more]const FXString& getAppKey() const
Return application key
[more]const FXString& getVendorKey() const
Return vendor key
[more]void setAsciiMode(FXbool asciiMode)
Set ASCII mode; under MS-Windows, this will switch the system to a file-based registry system, instead of using the System Registry API
[more]FXbool getAsciiMode() const
Get ASCII mode

Inherited from FXSettings:

Public Methods

oFXbool parseFile(const FXString& filename, FXbool mark)
oFXbool unparseFile(const FXString& filename)
oFXStringDict* data(FXuint pos) const
oFXStringDict* find(const FXchar* section) const
oFXintreadFormatEntry (const FXchar *section, const FXchar *key, const FXchar *fmt, ...)(4, 5)
oconst FXchar* readStringEntry(const FXchar* section, const FXchar* key, const FXchar* def=NULL)
oFXint readIntEntry(const FXchar* section, const FXchar* key, FXint def=0)
oFXuint readUnsignedEntry(const FXchar* section, const FXchar* key, FXuint def=0)
oFXdouble readRealEntry(const FXchar* section, const FXchar* key, FXdouble def=0.0)
oFXColor readColorEntry(const FXchar* section, const FXchar* key, FXColor def=0)
oFXintwriteFormatEntry (const FXchar *section, const FXchar *key, const FXchar *fmt, ...)(4, 5)
oFXbool writeStringEntry(const FXchar* section, const FXchar* key, const FXchar* val)
oFXbool writeIntEntry(const FXchar* section, const FXchar* key, FXint val)
oFXbool writeUnsignedEntry(const FXchar* section, const FXchar* key, FXuint val)
oFXbool writeRealEntry(const FXchar* section, const FXchar* key, FXdouble val)
oFXbool writeColorEntry(const FXchar* section, const FXchar* key, FXColor val)
oFXbool deleteEntry(const FXchar* section, const FXchar* key)
oFXbool existingEntry(const FXchar* section, const FXchar* key)
oFXbool deleteSection(const FXchar* section)
oFXbool existingSection(const FXchar* section)
oFXbool clear()
ovoid setModified(FXbool mdfy=TRUE)
oFXbool isModified() const

Inherited from FXDict:

Public Methods

oFXint size() const
ovoid size(FXint m)
oFXint no() const
ovoid* insert(const FXchar* ky, const void* ptr, FXbool mrk=FALSE)
ovoid* replace(const FXchar* ky, const void* ptr, FXbool mrk=FALSE)
ovoid* remove(const FXchar* ky)
oconst FXchar* key(FXuint pos) const
oFXbool mark(FXuint pos) const
oFXint first() const
oFXint last() const
oFXint next(FXint pos) const
oFXint prev(FXint pos) const

Protected Methods

ovirtual void* createData(const void*)
ovirtual void deleteData(void*)

Inherited from FXObject:

Public Methods

oconst FXchar* getClassName() const
oFXbool isMemberOf(const FXMetaClass* metaclass) const
ovirtual void save(FXStream& store) const
ovirtual void load(FXStream& store)


The registry maintains a database of persistent settings for an application, or suite of applications
o FXRegistry(const FXString& akey=FXString::null, const FXString& vkey=FXString::null)
Construct registry object; akey and vkey must be string constants. Regular applications SHOULD set a vendor key!

oFXbool read()
Read registry

oFXbool write()
Write registry

oconst FXString& getAppKey() const
Return application key

oconst FXString& getVendorKey() const
Return vendor key

ovoid setAsciiMode(FXbool asciiMode)
Set ASCII mode; under MS-Windows, this will switch the system to a file-based registry system, instead of using the System Registry API

oFXbool getAsciiMode() const
Get ASCII mode

This class has no child classes.

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