
class FXMatrix

The Matrix layout manager automatically arranges its child windows in rows and columns.


Public Methods

[more] FXMatrix(FXComposite* p, FXint n=1, FXuint opts=MATRIX_BY_ROWS, FXint x=0, FXint y=0, FXint w=0, FXint h=0, FXint pl=DEFAULT_SPACING, FXint pr=DEFAULT_SPACING, FXint pt=DEFAULT_SPACING, FXint pb=DEFAULT_SPACING, FXint hs=DEFAULT_SPACING, FXint vs=DEFAULT_SPACING)
Construct a matrix layout manager with n rows or columns
[more]virtual FXint getDefaultWidth()
Return default width
[more]virtual FXint getDefaultHeight()
Return default height
[more]FXWindow* childAtRowCol(FXint r, FXint c) const
Obtain the child placed at a certain row and column
[more]FXint rowOfChild(FXWindow* child) const
Return the row in which the given child is placed
[more]FXint colOfChild(FXWindow* child) const
Return the column in which the given child is placed
[more]void setMatrixStyle(FXuint ph)
Change the matrix style
[more]FXuint getMatrixStyle() const
Return the current matrix style
[more]void setNumRows(FXint nr)
Change the number of rows
[more]FXint getNumRows() const
Return the number of rows
[more]void setNumColumns(FXint nc)
Change the number of columns
[more]FXint getNumColumns() const
Return the number of columns

Inherited from FXPacker:

Public Methods

ovoid setFrameStyle(FXuint style)
oFXuint getFrameStyle() const
ovoid setPackingHints(FXuint ph)
oFXuint getPackingHints() const
oFXint getBorderWidth() const
ovoid setPadTop(FXint pt)
oFXint getPadTop() const
ovoid setPadBottom(FXint pb)
oFXint getPadBottom() const
ovoid setPadLeft(FXint pl)
oFXint getPadLeft() const
ovoid setPadRight(FXint pr)
oFXint getPadRight() const
ovoid setHiliteColor(FXColor clr)
oFXColor getHiliteColor() const
ovoid setShadowColor(FXColor clr)
oFXColor getShadowColor() const
ovoid setBorderColor(FXColor clr)
oFXColor getBorderColor() const
ovoid setBaseColor(FXColor clr)
oFXColor getBaseColor() const
ovoid setHSpacing(FXint hs)
oFXint getHSpacing() const
ovoid setVSpacing(FXint vs)
oFXint getVSpacing() const
ovirtual void save(FXStream& store) const
ovirtual void load(FXStream& store)

Inherited from FXComposite:

Public Methods

ovirtual void create()
ovirtual void detach()
ovirtual void destroy()
oFXint maxChildWidth() const
oFXint maxChildHeight() const
ovirtual FXbool isComposite() const

Inherited from FXWindow:

Public Methods

oFXWindow* getParent() const
oFXWindow* getOwner() const
oFXWindow* getShell() const
oFXWindow* getRoot() const
oFXWindow* getNext() const
oFXWindow* getPrev() const
oFXWindow* getFirst() const
oFXWindow* getLast() const
oFXWindow* getFocus() const
ovoid setKey(FXuint k)
oFXuint getKey() const
ovoid setTarget(FXObject* t)
oFXObject* getTarget() const
ovoid setSelector(FXSelector sel)
oFXSelector getSelector() const
oFXint getX() const
oFXint getY() const
ovirtual FXint getWidthForHeight(FXint givenheight)
ovirtual FXint getHeightForWidth(FXint givenwidth)
ovoid setX(FXint x)
ovoid setY(FXint y)
ovoid setWidth(FXint w)
ovoid setHeight(FXint h)
ovoid setLayoutHints(FXuint lout)
oFXuint getLayoutHints() const
oFXAccelTable* getAccelTable() const
ovoid setAccelTable(FXAccelTable* acceltable)
ovoid addHotKey(FXHotKey code)
ovoid remHotKey(FXHotKey code)
oFXbool isShell() const
oFXbool isChildOf(const FXWindow* window) const
oFXbool containsChild(const FXWindow* child) const
oFXWindow* getChildAt(FXint x, FXint y) const
oFXint numChildren() const
oFXint indexOfChild(const FXWindow* window) const
oFXWindow* childAtIndex(FXint index) const
ostatic FXWindow* commonAncestor(FXWindow* a, FXWindow* b)
ovoid setDefaultCursor(FXCursor* cur)
oFXCursor* getDefaultCursor() const
ovoid setDragCursor(FXCursor* cur)
oFXCursor* getDragCursor() const
oFXint getCursorPosition(FXint& x, FXint& y, FXuint& buttons) const
oFXint setCursorPosition(FXint x, FXint y)
oFXbool isEnabled() const
oFXbool isActive() const
ovirtual FXbool canFocus() const
oFXbool hasFocus() const
ovirtual void setFocus()
ovirtual void killFocus()
ovirtual void setDefault(FXbool enable=TRUE)
oFXbool isDefault() const
ovoid setInitial(FXbool enable=TRUE)
oFXbool isInitial() const
ovirtual void enable()
ovirtual void disable()
ovirtual void raise()
ovirtual void lower()
ovirtual void move(FXint x, FXint y)
ovirtual void resize(FXint w, FXint h)
ovirtual void position(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
ovirtual void recalc()
ovoid forceRefresh()
ovirtual void reparent(FXWindow* newparent)
ovoid scroll(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h, FXint dx, FXint dy)
ovoid update(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
ovoid update()
ovoid repaint(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
ovoid repaint()
ovoid grab()
ovoid ungrab()
oFXbool grabbed() const
ovoid grabKeyboard()
ovoid ungrabKeyboard()
oFXbool grabbedKeyboard() const
ovirtual void show()
ovirtual void hide()
oFXbool shown() const
oFXbool underCursor() const
oFXbool hasSelection() const
oFXbool acquireSelection(const FXDragType* types, FXuint numtypes)
oFXbool releaseSelection()
oFXbool hasClipboard() const
oFXbool acquireClipboard(const FXDragType* types, FXuint numtypes)
oFXbool releaseClipboard()
ovoid dropEnable()
ovoid dropDisable()
oFXbool isDropEnabled() const
oFXbool isDragging() const
oFXbool beginDrag(const FXDragType* types, FXuint numtypes)
oFXbool handleDrag(FXint x, FXint y, FXDragAction action=DRAG_COPY)
oFXbool endDrag(FXbool drop=TRUE)
oFXbool isDropTarget() const
ovoid setDragRectangle(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h, FXbool wantupdates=TRUE)
ovoid clearDragRectangle()
ovoid acceptDrop(FXDragAction action=DRAG_ACCEPT)
oFXDragAction didAccept() const
oFXbool inquireDNDTypes(FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType*& types, FXuint& numtypes)
oFXbool offeredDNDType(FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type)
oFXDragAction inquireDNDAction() const
oFXbool setDNDData(FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type, FXuchar* data, FXuint size)
oFXbool getDNDData(FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type, FXuchar*& data, FXuint& size)
ovirtual FXbool contains(FXint parentx, FXint parenty) const
ovoid translateCoordinatesFrom(FXint& tox, FXint& toy, const FXWindow* fromwindow, FXint fromx, FXint fromy) const
ovoid translateCoordinatesTo(FXint& tox, FXint& toy, const FXWindow* towindow, FXint fromx, FXint fromy) const
ovirtual void setBackColor(FXColor clr)
oFXColor getBackColor() const
ovoid linkBefore(FXWindow* sibling)
ovoid linkAfter(FXWindow* sibling)

Inherited from FXDrawable:

Public Methods

oFXint getWidth() const
oFXint getHeight() const
oFXVisual* getVisual() const
ovoid setVisual(FXVisual* vis)

Inherited from FXId:

Public Methods

oFXApp* getApp() const
oFXID id() const
ovoid setUserData(void* ptr)
ovoid* getUserData() const

Inherited from FXObject:

Public Methods

oconst FXchar* getClassName() const
oFXbool isMemberOf(const FXMetaClass* metaclass) const


The Matrix layout manager automatically arranges its child windows in rows and columns. If the matrix style is MATRIX_BY_ROWS, then the matrix will have the given number of rows and the number of columns grows as more child windows are added; if the matrix style is MATRIX_BY_COLUMNS, then the number of columns is fixed and the number of rows grows as more children are added. If all children in a row (column) have the LAYOUT_FILL_ROW (LAYOUT_FILL_COLUMN) hint set, then the row (column) will be stretchable as the matrix layout manager itself is resized. If more than one row (column) is stretchable, the space is apportioned to each stretchable row (column) proportionally. Within each cell of the matrix, all other layout hints are observed. For example, a child having LAYOUT_CENTER_Y and LAYOUT_FILL_X hints will be centered in the Y-direction, while being stretched in the X-direction. Empty cells can be obtained by simply placing a borderless FXFrame widget as a space-holder.
o FXMatrix(FXComposite* p, FXint n=1, FXuint opts=MATRIX_BY_ROWS, FXint x=0, FXint y=0, FXint w=0, FXint h=0, FXint pl=DEFAULT_SPACING, FXint pr=DEFAULT_SPACING, FXint pt=DEFAULT_SPACING, FXint pb=DEFAULT_SPACING, FXint hs=DEFAULT_SPACING, FXint vs=DEFAULT_SPACING)
Construct a matrix layout manager with n rows or columns

ovirtual FXint getDefaultWidth()
Return default width

ovirtual FXint getDefaultHeight()
Return default height

oFXWindow* childAtRowCol(FXint r, FXint c) const
Obtain the child placed at a certain row and column

oFXint rowOfChild(FXWindow* child) const
Return the row in which the given child is placed

oFXint colOfChild(FXWindow* child) const
Return the column in which the given child is placed

ovoid setMatrixStyle(FXuint ph)
Change the matrix style

oFXuint getMatrixStyle() const
Return the current matrix style

ovoid setNumRows(FXint nr)
Change the number of rows

oFXint getNumRows() const
Return the number of rows

ovoid setNumColumns(FXint nc)
Change the number of columns

oFXint getNumColumns() const
Return the number of columns

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