
class FXGLContext

A GL context is an object representing the OpenGL state information.


Public Methods

[more] FXGLContext(FXApp* a, FXGLVisual* vis)
Construct an OpenGL context with its own private display list
[more] FXGLContext(FXApp* a, FXGLVisual* vis, FXGLContext* shared)
Construct an OpenGL context sharing display lists with an existing GL context
[more]FXbool isShared() const
Return TRUE if it is sharing display lists
[more]FXGLVisual* getVisual() const
Get the visual
[more]virtual void create()
Create context
[more]virtual void detach()
Detach the server-side resources for this window
[more]virtual void destroy()
Destroy the server-side resources for this window
[more]FXbool begin(FXDrawable* drawable)
Make OpenGL context current prior to performing OpenGL commands
[more]FXbool end()
Make OpenGL context non current
[more]void swapBuffers()
Swap front and back buffer
[more]void swapSubBuffers(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
Copy part of backbuffer to front buffer [Mesa]
[more]virtual void save(FXStream& store) const
Save object to stream
[more]virtual void load(FXStream& store)
Load object from stream
[more]virtual ~FXGLContext()

Inherited from FXId:

Public Methods

oFXApp* getApp() const
oFXID id() const
ovoid setUserData(void* ptr)
ovoid* getUserData() const

Inherited from FXObject:

Public Methods

oconst FXchar* getClassName() const
oFXbool isMemberOf(const FXMetaClass* metaclass) const


A GL context is an object representing the OpenGL state information. Multiple GL context may share display lists to conserve memory. When drawing multiple windows, it may be advantageous to share not only display lists, but also GL contexts. Since the GL context is created for a certain frame-buffer configuration, sharing of GL contexts is only possible if the windows sharing the GL context all have the same GL visual. However, display lists may be shared between different GL contexts.
o FXGLContext(FXApp* a, FXGLVisual* vis)
Construct an OpenGL context with its own private display list

o FXGLContext(FXApp* a, FXGLVisual* vis, FXGLContext* shared)
Construct an OpenGL context sharing display lists with an existing GL context

oFXbool isShared() const
Return TRUE if it is sharing display lists

oFXGLVisual* getVisual() const
Get the visual

ovirtual void create()
Create context

ovirtual void detach()
Detach the server-side resources for this window

ovirtual void destroy()
Destroy the server-side resources for this window

oFXbool begin(FXDrawable* drawable)
Make OpenGL context current prior to performing OpenGL commands

oFXbool end()
Make OpenGL context non current

ovoid swapBuffers()
Swap front and back buffer

ovoid swapSubBuffers(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
Copy part of backbuffer to front buffer [Mesa]

ovirtual void save(FXStream& store) const
Save object to stream

ovirtual void load(FXStream& store)
Load object from stream

ovirtual ~FXGLContext()

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