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Documentation Policy for SQL Server Support and Upgrade

Documentation - Support and Upgrade Policy

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 software documentation includes SQL Server Books Online (“BOL”), readme files, known issues documents, sample code/applications, sample databases, and Knowledge Base articles published by Microsoft, which all contain content about SQL Server features and functionality (all the “Documentation”). The summary below describes the support and upgrade policy for certain features and functionality referenced in the Documentation.

Samples. The primary purpose of a sample contained within Documentation is to illustrate a concept, or a reasonable use of a particular statement or clause. Most samples do not include all of the code that may normally be found in a full production system, as some of the usual data validation and error handling is removed to focus the sample on a particular concept or statement. Microsoft Customer Support Services is not available for any samples contained in the Documentation.

Placeholders. In some cases, a particular feature in SQL Server 2008 R2 has not been sufficiently tested or developed for use. Such features are often listed in a BOL, readme file, or other Documentation as placeholders and are only intended as notations for Microsoft internal reference. Such features are not intended for your use and are not supported by Microsoft Customer Support Services. The attempted use of such features may result in data loss.

Third Party Content. Unless the Documentation states otherwise, third party content, including issues that result from using such third party content with SQL Server 2008 R2, are not supported by Microsoft Customer Support Services.

Undocumented Entry Points. Microsoft Customer Support Services does not provide support for databases or applications that leverage or use undocumented entry points like undocumented APIs, including but not limited to: stored procedures, extended stored procedures, functions, views, tables, columns, properties, or metadata. Such use may result in data loss.

Upgrades. Server and database upgrades to future versions of SQL Server 2008 R2 for applications and databases that leverage and use undocumented entry points also may not work and are not supported by Microsoft Customer Support Services.

For more information about the Microsoft Support Lifecycle policy, visit the following Web site: