Asus EEE Pad Slider,the next generation in tablets


The Asus EEE Pad Slider is the latest and greatest tablet that's about to the hit the market.

The Asus EEE Pad Slider is so revolutionary and groundbreaking it is the first tablet to have an onboard keyboard. It also has a 5 megapixel camera on the back and 1.2 megapixel FFC camera. Click here for more specification details.>

Photos and Videos of the Asus EEE Pad Slider
Reviews on the Asus EEE Pad Slider (coming soon)
Why the Asus EEE Pad Slider vs. other tablets and smart phones (coming soon)

Terms you may not know:


Tablet PC
- a slate- or tablet- shaped mobile computer device, equipped with a touchscreen or stylus.


Front-Facing Camera
Ever since the last Iphone release all the rage has been about the F-FC. The Front-Facing Camera means the camera is placed in front of the object (whether it be phone, laptop or tablet). The F-FC is crutial for conference calls.

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