Amber's Crafty Knitting

Why do people knit?

The reasons why people knit can be as varied as night and day! But one of the main reasons cited for knitting is to relax and unwind.

Some people knit out of necessity. It is less expensive to buy some yarn and do the work yourself to knit sweaters, scarves, socks etc., for some families.

Another reason some people knit is to have creative gifts. When a mother has small children, rather twins or not, it is always fun for her to dress them similarly, especially around the holidays. Imagine all the Christmas photos you have seen with people wearing matching sweaters, rather children or adults! But be warned, no matter what your reasons are for starting, you'll soon be hooked as the humorous video below, found on YouTube, clearly illustrates!

To view the clip, install Adobe Flash.

Knitting Classes Offered

Several local retailers offer classes for free or a small fee. I'm recommending JoAnn's classes below as they are free. Please refer below for their current weekly schedule. (These are fabricated times and classes, made for the purpose of illustration for this website design class.)

All classes are at the Simi Valley location.
Time Wednesday Thursday Saturday
6:00 Beginner
7:00 Pattern Exchange Project Share Back to the Basics of Knitting
7:30 Supplies, supplies, supplies!
8:00 Intermediate
9:00 Advanced

If you are interested in ordering any customized or embellished product, please contact me @ and we can discuss your needs. Contact me for more information


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