The Therapeutic Power of Music


[ index ]       [ music ]       [ music and brain ]       [ music and movement ]       [ music and mind ]       [ music glossary ]

Definition of Music

All those extraordinary and miraculous attributes conferred to music a scientific based condition even though there is an undeniable spiritual quality that profoundly influences the human soul.


Elements and Structure

To develop an appropiate approach about music, it is very important to understand that music is an art form,its medium is sound, and it is composed of some basic elements:


Secondary Elements

Third Elements


Arithmetic and Music

The first part described is connected to numbers; without numbers there is no possibility to create music. Arithmetic is essential to assamble and articulate the structural pieces that are going to activate a musical piece.About the relationship between music and numbers,Pythagoras was one of its main promoters as well as Plato, who expressed some thoughts about it in "Timaeus" and the "Republic:"


Music and arithmetic are not separated; the understanding of numbers is the key to the understanding of the whole spiritual and physical universe, so the system of musical sounds and rhytms, being ordered by numbers, was conceived as exemplifying the harmony of the cosmos and corresponding to it" (X,617).

Creative Patterns

That specific aspect related to organized numbers and sounds in creative patterns repeated in sequences is the reason our ancestors believed music was magic and powerful.


Through many centuries, scientists did research that helped them to prove that this structured numeric-acustic system affects and stimulates the human brain by bringing benefits for:

  • Focusing attention

  • Developing and improving memory and communication

  • Stimulating Body movement

  • Reducing depression


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The Therapeutic Power of Music • 197 Sabra Ave. • Oak Park, CA 91377 • 310-720-6955 •