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Raw Food Terminology


A sweet syrup naturally extracted from the inner core of the blue agave. A cactus-like plant, native to Mexico, best known for its use in making tequila. Agave nectar is absorbed slowly into the bloodstream, decreasing the highs and lows associated with sugar intake.


A raw chocolate powder made from the cacao bean. High in magnesium and other key minerals and nutrients.

Camu Camu

This potent berry from the Amazon offers the highest recorded amount of natural vitamin C known on the planet. Vitamin C is known as an antioxidant, a cold fighter, a mood elevator and a skin care aide.


A seasonal summer fruit from southeast Asia. Durian has a pungent smell and is high in essential fatty acids and sulfur. It is also said to have aphrodisiac qualities.

Green Powders

Green Powders are a raw food multivitamin to be taken on a daily basis especially during periods of cleansing or fasting. The best varieties contain a combination of, organic, or wild-crafted greens and cereal grasses, algae, aquatic vegetables, digestive enzymes and probiotics.


Hemp seeds contains beneficial omega fatty acids, amino acids and minerals. The seed can be eaten raw, ground into a meal or made into milk. It is a complete protein source.


A hardy perennial plant cultivated high in the Andes Mountains. Maca increases energy, balances the endocrine system, regulates hormones, increases fertility and libido.


A saltwater algae that is up to 80% complete protein, and contains essential vitamins and phytonutrients, such as beta carotene, B-12, and B-Complex. Its easy -to-digest nutrients are quickly absorbed by the body.

Thai Coconut Water

Thai coconut water is a great source of electrolytes and has the same electrolytic balance as our blood. It also contains potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, copper and sulfur.

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