Medicine Embryology

Human Fetus Health

By studying the fetus developmental cycles of human and non-human animals, we can determine how a healthy embryo should be developing. This is useful for detecting abnormalities as fetus develops and allow for corrective action such as using medicine to attempt to correct the abnormality (if the medicine is available for such a task). It can also be used as an educational tool for preventing birth defects. For example, by showing the abnormalities that an embryo suffers from a mother who is a smoker.

Stem Cell Research

Stem cell research is an emerging field that promises many benefits for humanity. This research has endless possibilities including: re-growth of severed body parts, re-growth of failed liver or heart, cure for alzheimers, cure for cancer, and many other ailments.

Future of Humanity

It is a known scientific fact that our planet will not last forver; many dangers exist in the universe such as Black holes, our Sun becoming a Red Giant, comets, among others. The future of humanity lies in the sky and adapting to new worlds will be difficult. A possible solution will be adapting the DNA of human embryos to survive in those alien worlds. I know it sounds like science fiction, but it's an issue our decendants will have to face.


  1. Stem Cell Information. The National Institutes of Health. Stem Cell Info
• Antonio Chavez • • Moorpark College • 7075 Campus Road, • Moorpark, CA 93021 •