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Where do you get your Mac-related news and information? Adam digs further into the results of the TidBITS 2007 Reader Survey and comes up with some surprising answers. Also in this issue, Brian Tanaka shares the secret of how he tracks his billable hours: OfficeTime. Rounding out the news, we note the releases of QuickTime 7.2, iTunes 7.3.1, MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.3, Firmware Restoration CD 1.3, Microsoft Office 2004 11.3.6, and a major update to "Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac." Lastly, if you're a new iPhone owner with a weak stomach, you may not want to watch the video of the device's losing battle with a high-powered blender.

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Apple Releases QuickTime 7.2, iTunes 7.3.1

  by Jeff Carlson <>

Apple has updated QuickTime and iTunes, resolving issues with the H.264 video codec and fixing bugs. The primary changes in QuickTime 7.2 are fixes for several potential security vulnerabilities related to playback of malformed movie files or visiting maliciously crafted Web sites. However, more interesting is one other long-overdue change: movies can now be viewed full screen in QuickTime Player, a feature previously available only after purchasing a QuickTime Pro license. This update also adds two export formats: Movie to iPhone creates an .m4v video, while Movie to iPhone (Cellular) creates a smaller .3gp video. QuickTime 7.2 also rolls in unspecified updates to the H.264 codec and other bug fixes. It's available via Software Update or as stand-alone downloads for Mac (a 51.4 MB download) or Windows (a 19.3 MB download).

iTunes 7.3.1, according to Apple, "addresses a minor problem with iTunes 7.3 accessing the iTunes Library." As such, the new version rebuilds your library, so it's a good idea to make sure you have a recent backup before you update. iTunes 7.3.1 is available for Mac (a 33.8 MB download) or Windows (a 47.6 MB download).

There has been discussion in TidBITS Talk of these updates causing problems with Microsoft Office 2004 and some other applications that rely on Mac OS X's Rosetta translation environment for PowerPC-based applications running on Intel-based Macs. From what we can tell based on a discussion at Apple's site and from MacFixIt reports, the problem relates to update_prebinding failing to run properly during the update process. Once update_prebinding has been run successfully by typing "sudo update_prebinding" in Terminal or by reapplying the Mac OS X 10.4.10 combo updater, all should be well unless Java SE 6.0 Release 1 Developer Preview 6 has also been installed; it must be uninstalled according to the directions at MacFixIt before running update_prebinding.

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MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.3 Released

  by Jeff Carlson <>

Apple has released MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 1.3, which "fixes a display issue on 2.2/2.4 GHz 15-inch MacBook Pro models," according to the minimal text on Apple's download page. MacFixIt speculates that this update fixes a color distortion problem introduced in the earlier MacBook Pro Software Update 1.0, which is required prior to applying the latest firmware update.

Apple also released Firmware Restoration CD 1.3. This utility (a 22.5 MB download) burns a CD that can be used to start up and repair an Intel-based Mac that won't work due to an interrupted or failed firmware update. The CD won't restore a machine's firmware if a firmware update was successfully applied. Needless to say, download the utility and burn a CD before applying the MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update.

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Microsoft Office 2004 11.3.6 Addresses Security Issues

  by Jeff Carlson <>

Microsoft has released Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.3.6 Update, which addresses vulnerabilities in Excel and fixes a bug in Entourage. In Excel, an attacker could "overwrite the contents of your computer's memory with malicious code," according to Microsoft. The Entourage issue concerns data loss when using Microsoft Exchange public folders. Additionally, the Japanese postal code dictionary has been updated. The update, which can be applied most easily via the Microsoft AutoUpdate utility, is a 15.4 MB download and requires the Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.3.5 Update to have been applied previously.

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An iPhone in a Blender?

  by Adam C. Engst <>

This is just painful to watch. There's a company called Blendtec that makes a high-powered blender. To showcase its capabilities, they've done a number of hilarious "Will It Blend?" videos that feature a wide variety of objects being subjected to blending. They've destroyed a can of fake cheese, old toilet components, and even a garden hose. But for their latest spin de force, Blendtec put an iPhone into their demon blender, and... well, you'll just have to see what happens for yourself. Don't try this at home, not that any sane person would.

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Track Project Time with OfficeTime

  by Brian Tanaka <>

I'm forever juggling multiple projects. Naturally, I must track the hours I spend on each project so I can bill my clients, and over the years I've tried a variety of time tracking applications. A few months ago, I switched to OfficeTime, and I think it's the best of the bunch I've tried.

OfficeTime will benefit anyone who tracks time spent on multiple activities. It's simple enough to be quick to learn, yet it has substantial features that make it truly useful. In day-to-day use, it always seems to do just what I want it to do - no more and no less.

Sessions - periods of time you track - are organized by user-defined project names. For example, if you have three clients, you could have a project for each of them. In reports, sessions are neatly grouped within their respective projects. Each session can also optionally belong to a category. Categories are types of tasks you perform, such as Writing or Programming, and can have a default dollar-per-hour rate.

Timing is simple. The QuickStart menu lists all your projects, and the first 10 are bound to keyboard shortcuts Command-0 through Command-9. To begin timing, pick a project off the list, use the keyboard shortcut, or select a project from the pop-up menu in the main OfficeTime window. All fields in the timer window, such as elapsed time, are editable on the fly. Each session also contains a Notes field. Pausing, stopping, starting, and re-starting the timer can all be done from either the keyboard or a menu.

[View image]

Speaking of rates, though the rate is set by the default category (if one is defined) for each project, for each timed session you may choose a different category (and possibly a different rate), or you can even simply change the rate for the current session regardless of category. You can also change categories, define a new category, or not use a category at all. In other words, when you start a timed session, if you like the defaults, you're all set. If you don't, you can change whatever aspects you don't like, right where you are, while the timer ticks away. This is an example of one of OfficeTime's strengths: it employs logical conventions to make basic use fast and simple, and yet it allows a refreshing degree of flexibility as you work.

Another especially useful feature is the capability to switch between projects rapidly. If, for example, I'm in the middle of a project, and something comes up that forces me to work on another project for 15 minutes, I simply change project timers quickly and easily.

The necessary reporting and graphing features are done well. For example, if I want to see how I've spent my time during the current day and how much money I've earned, I simply press Command-T. A quick report appears that shows all the projects I've worked on, how long I worked on them, and how much money I've earned - both by project and total for the day. Plus, the report includes a nice color-coded pie chart that shows at a glance that, for instance, I spent too much time today reviewing my Getting Things Done lists and not enough time writing code!

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Generating a new report with a different time period or with data from one particular project or category requires simply choosing a few options from the pop-up menus. There are also keyboard shortcuts for common time periods: today, last week, this month, and so on. You can quickly see how much time you've spent on the currently timed project over the entire life of the project by simply pressing Command-R.

When you reach the end of your billing cycle, you can generate invoices in OfficeTime, or simply copy and paste data from the OfficeTime reports into an email message or your own billing template in another application.

OfficeTime synchronizes with iCal and Address Book, is a universal binary, and costs $40. It requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later. A fully functional demo version is available as a 9.5 MB download and expires after 21 days.

[Brian Tanaka is a freelance writer, IT consultant, Web developer, and the author of "Take Control of Permissions in Mac OS X."]

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TidBITS 2007 Reader Survey Results: News & Info Sources

  by Adam C. Engst <>

We've been busy with other things, but we haven't forgotten the results of our recent reader survey, which garnered responses from over 3,500 people. In the first installment (see "TidBITS 2007 Reader Survey Results: Who Are You?," 2007-03-12), I looked at what the results said about who reads TidBITS. This time I'm instead focusing on how our readers acquire technical news and information. I have a few charts that illustrate the numbers, which you can view either by visiting the linked graphic or just reading this article on our Web site, where graphics now appear inline within the article.

In the survey, we asked about the ways in which you acquire Mac- and tech-related news and information. The table below summarizes the answers.

News Source          (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)   (5)     Rank
Email newsletters    48   119  363  687  2177    15008
Web sites            52   215  706  949  1422    13506
Personal email      255   732  825  638   820    10846
Print magazines     541   738  746  598   638     9837
Discussion forums   589   918  707  498   501     9043
In-person           753   974  766  419   291     8130
RSS feeds          1261   641  350  226   705     8022
Aggregator sites   1357   665  486  268   345     6942
Podcasts           1383   799  415  285   267     6701
Personal blogs     1294   871  527  289   151     6528

First, some notes. Remember, 1 is "Never," 2 is "Infrequently," 3 is "Sometimes," 4 is "Often," and 5 is "Regularly." What that means is that email newsletters are ignored entirely by 48 people, read infrequently by 119, read sometimes by 363, read often by 687, and read regularly by 2,177.

The last column, "Rank," is a calculation of the column number (1 through 5) multiplied by the number of votes in each column, all added together to provide a single method of comparison. The goal with Rank is to work around the problem that it's difficult to scan the middle rows and make sense of the fact that nearly as many people said they never read discussion forums as those who read them often or regularly.

I've sorted this table and the corresponding chart by Rank, making it easy to see, in a bit of a tautology, that TidBITS readers, most of whom read TidBITS in email, get news via email newsletters frequently. Even without TidBITS itself skewing those results, email newsletters would likely be popular with our readers, many of whom have been using the Internet for a long time and would thus have stuck with habits formed before blogs, podcasts, and RSS were even conceived of. TidBITS readers also rely heavily on going to Web sites directly for information - sites like Macworld and MacFixIt are examples of sites you visit directly for news and information.

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To my mind, what's most telling about these results are the extremes; the people who never use a particular news source versus those who use one regularly. On the other end of the spectrum from email and direct visits to Web sites, we can see that TidBITS readers for the most part seldom rely on blogs, podcasts, or aggregator sites for their information.

There's one significant anomaly that becomes obvious when the data is visualized as a stacked bar chart. In terms of pure rank, RSS ends up fairly low, but as you can see in the chart, that's because RSS seems to be an all-or-nothing proposition. Lots of people never use RSS or do so only infrequently, and only a handful use it sometimes or often, but a rather large number of people rely on it regularly.

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With that data in mind, I want to look at each of these methods of acquiring news, in terms of the user audience for whom each method makes sense, and the goals in using each method.

Email Newsletters -- For many of us who have been on the Internet for years, email newsletters remain the best way to receive news and information. They're mixed in with other messages, making it easy to read through as you deal with other mail. Plus, there's a comfort in knowing that anything received and stored in your email archive can be found later. Email clients generally make it easy to read everything that appears.

But all these advantages work against email newsletters too. Many people are unsubscribing from mailing lists of all types in an effort to reduce email overload created by too many messages and the ever-increasing influx of spam. And while email clients make it easy to read mail, they seldom aid in skimming the contents of messages that you may not want to read in their entirety. My understanding is that while younger people always have email addresses, they're much less likely to use them in favor of comment and discussion features in walled garden Web sites like MySpace or Facebook.

From a publisher's point of view, I think email newsletters are incredibly valuable, because if someone invites you to contact them regularly via email, that's a far more powerful communication channel than anything else. But managing a large mailing list, handling bounces, and dealing with subscription problems takes a non-trivial amount of time and effort, and once you've sent something out in email, you can't update it or fix mistakes, as is possible with Web-based publications.

Web Sites -- TidBITS readers go directly to Web sites for information nearly as much as they rely on email newsletters, which makes sense, since I suspect TidBITS readers are likely to have established a collection of must-visit sites to be read regularly. (I do this via a workspace in OmniWeb and by Command-clicking a folder of bookmarks in Safari to open numerous sites in tabs.) With many sites, the desired information appears on the initially loaded page, eliminating any need for further navigation. When you're looking for headlines, a Web site provides them in their original context and intended presentation.

In short, a Web site remains the core of any publishing project, although to read Web sites effectively requires that you focus in on a relatively small set that you can digest in your available time.

Personal Email -- I included personal email as a method of gathering news and information largely because it's how I pick up on a large amount of what's going on. It's essentially electronic word-of-mouth, and works well because there's nothing better than another person for evaluating what might interest you. In other words, using your actual friends and colleagues (not just other Internet users, as is done by social bookmarking sites like Digg and as editors is perhaps the most effective way to discover interesting news.

The problem, of course, is that you must have a large personal network of people who know what interests you and have sufficient incentive to alert you to important articles. Many people don't have such a network, and thus must rely on other methods of discovering what's hot.

Print Publications -- Of course, print magazines and newspapers have long selected the news that most people read, and they remain unparalleled at that role, if only because they can hire professional editors who spend their lives determining what is and is not interesting. The downside is that print publications are generally not free - as with Internet-based content - and usually have advertising in addition to the subscription fees that offset the cost of printing and distribution.

The fact that TidBITS readers rely heavily on print publications fits with the demographics of the audience - older people are more likely to have established trusted sources of information, to have disposable income to spend on subscriptions, and to prefer reading on paper.

That said, print is a tough world, and we're seeing publications that competed largely on timeliness moving entirely online in favor of a mixed print/online model. In my mind, the only way a print publication is likely to succeed in today's world is if it's publishing sufficiently in-depth content that readers want to devote all their attention to it in an offline environment. I could read The New Yorker online, but I far prefer to focus on its lengthy articles (nicely interspersed with cartoons) on paper while sitting on the couch.

Discussion Forums -- I was initially a little confused that people rated discussion forums as highly as they did, until I considered that a discussion forum provides a large network of like-minded people. Sending a link to a bunch of friends individually requires effort and knowing lots of people. But on a discussion forum, it's easy both to inform lots of people about interesting events quickly, and, on the consumption side, to read what others in the group think is interesting.

Relying on discussions in a mailing list or Web forum for news probably isn't an effective way to learn what's going on overall, but if you want to keep up on the discussions for other information-gathering reasons, the news that seeps in is likely highly topical and timely.

In-person -- Very few of our respondents regularly get their news and information in person, which shouldn't be surprising, if only because we're likely to spend most of our time with people who have roughly the same sources of information that we do. However, this method of news acquisition ranked as highly as it did due to large numbers of people saying that they get information in-person infrequently or sometimes - perhaps at Macintosh user group meetings. In other words, talking with friends, relatives, and colleagues can provides the occasional bit of information, but few people rely heavily on word-of-mouth these days.

RSS Feeds -- As I said before, TidBITS readers either use RSS (Really Simple Syndication) heavily or hardly at all - there's no in-between. (And to answer the people who said they didn't even know what RSS is, it's a technology that any Web-enabled site can use to publish frequently updated information in a manner that many RSS programs, including Safari and the popular NetNewsWire, can present in a coherent, easily scanned display.)

I've been thinking about the bifurcation of the RSS numbers, and I think what's going on is that signing up to receive an email newsletter is in essence an informal agreement that you'll read whatever is sent. RSS embodies the other extreme, where your goal is to avoid reading as much as possible. I've heard from a number of people who subscribe to an insane number of feeds - often several hundred - and when I ask how they find the time to read all that content, they usually admit that they seldom read more than a tiny proportion of what comes through. But what's important is that scanning all the headlines gives them a sense of what's happening with a minimal time commitment.

As a result, I think RSS lends itself to use by specific professions and personality types. For instance, our editor Glenn Fleishman also runs a number of blogs related to Wi-Fi networking and other wireless technologies. To keep up with everything that's happening, it's important that he be able to scan a very large number of sites and publications with the understanding that most of what he sees won't interest him at all. Anyone who finds themselves needing to extract needles from haystacks will find RSS useful. Similarly, there are people who aren't so much looking for needles, but who need to know a very small amount about many different topics; if they discover that they need to know more, they'll dive in further. Politicians may fall into this category - even a local politician may find the quick RSS overview of local publications and blogs to be helpful in identifying areas that might become important.

For many people, though, RSS isn't about either finding needles or getting the big picture for professional reasons. Instead, I think it meets a psychological need to feel informed, to feel as though you know what's happening in the world, or at least in some specific subset of the world. People who feel this need are the sort who used to read (or at least skim) the New York Times from front to back every day. Personally, I think this is a dangerous need in today's world, since the Internet can provide far more information - even just in headline form - than anyone can hope to absorb. But it's something that news junkies are dealing with now, and will have to continue to deal with in the future, because the amount of news available will continue to increase.

Aggregator Sites -- The fact that TidBITS readers don't use RSS much appears to carry over to aggregator sites such as MacSurfer and the new Apple Investor News, which is focused on business news related to Apple. These sites do a good job of collecting and presenting news headlines from elsewhere on the Web - often using RSS, in fact. I suspect the problem is the raw number of headlines, and just as with RSS, people can feel overwhelmed.

These sites become useful primarily when the headlines they choose to collect and the way they present them happen to resonate with the type of information you want and how you consume it.

Podcasts -- Despite the hype of the last few years, podcasts have not made significant inroads with TidBITS readers as a way of acquiring news. Perhaps they're not sufficiently oriented toward news (though some certainly are, such as Your Mac Life and the MacNotables podcast Tonya and I participate in), or not sufficiently timely (few are updated as frequently as Web publications), or not sufficiently professional - personal blogs seem to fall into roughly the same boat.

I love podcasts, but frankly, not very many of them. It's not that most of them aren't good, but that listening to audio is far more time-consuming than reading, and I simply don't have time to keep up with many. Those who must suffer through long commutes or frequent travel, or who like to listen to iPods while exercising may have more time that can be spent listening to podcasts.

Personal Blogs -- Bringing up the bottom of the list are personal blogs; it appears that the TidBITS readership doesn't participate in a big way in the blogosphere, at least when it comes to news. I can't say that I'm particularly taken aback by this result, since while individual blog posts may provide interesting insight into an event, more often than not, they merely point to an original article on another site. So unless you find a blogger whose interests parallel yours, and who is particularly effective at noticing those events that you want to read about, relying on a personal blog would seem a relatively haphazard approach to learning about what's happening.

Other -- In the event that we missed entire ways that people obtain Mac-related news and information, our survey solicited reader suggestions as well. Most suggestions were specific examples of a method of obtaining news, but a few bona fide trends emerged.

Future Analysis -- That's it for this time; as I continue to pore through the results of the reader survey I'll write more about the specific places you acquire your information, the kinds of articles you like in TidBITS, and what you'd like to see more of.

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Take Control News/16-Jul-07

  by Adam C. Engst <>

Run Windows on a Mac with Up-to-Date Advice -- We've just released version 2.5 of "Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac," bringing this essential 148-page book completely up-to-date. It's loaded with all the details you need to run Windows on a Mac successfully with Apple's Boot Camp 1.3 beta, Parallels Desktop 3.0, the release candidate of VMware Fusion, or the free public beta of VirtualBox.

Written by best-selling author and TidBITS Senior Editor Joe Kissell, the book, which now covers both Windows XP and Vista, also includes real-world advice about installing Windows, dealing with tricky peripherals, sharing files between Windows and Mac OS X, backing up a Windows installation, avoiding Windows malware, and more. And, of course, for anyone just getting into virtualization, the $10-off coupon for Parallels Desktop 3.0 makes buying the $10 book a no-brainer.

If you already own "Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac," please note that we're offering a free update to anyone who bought it after 01-Sep-06, and a 25% discount to those who purchased before that. We've sent email with the necessary links to those people; drop us a note if you missed yours.

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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/16-Jul-07

  by TidBITS Staff <>

State of Mac Support for GPS -- Following Adam's review of GPS devices last year, what's the current state of the art? And more importantly, how is the Mac support? (9 messages)

Best FM transmitter -- There are lots of devices designed to play music from an iPod over your car's stereo system, but how do they stack up? And is a wired cassette adapter a better alternative? (12 messages)

PDF "resolution" -- A PDF file is resolution-independent, but the quality of the imagery can vary if it includes bitmapped pictures (such as JPEG photos, for example). (8 messages)

FTC abandons net neutrality -- The Federal Trade Commission in the United States has decided to abandon the notion of net neutrality, which could open the door to variable pricing for delivering Internet content. (1 message)

Open Message AppleScript for Mail -- If you want Apple's Mail application to open messages in separate windows based on a rule, download this collection of AppleScript scripts. (1 message)

Trading In-Home Wi-Fi for Powerline Networking -- A reader shares his unhappy experiences with Powerline networking following Kevin van Haaren's article last week. (1 message)

Apple "Proof of Purchase Coupons" -- Just what is the use of the Proof of Purchase Coupons that come with Apple products? A few readers have used them in the past to get replacement system discs. (7 messages)

Jogging with your iPod in a Thunderstorm -- Could jogging with an iPod have caused a man to be struck by lightning? Despite the contents of a medical report, some readers want more information before drawing a direct link. (6 messages)

Updaters cause problems for Office and other Rosetta apps -- Some people experienced problems with applications that run under Rosetta on Intel-based Macs after updating to QuickTime 7.2 and iTunes 7.3.1. Could Java be a cause? (4 messages)

ProCare -- Recent changes to Apple's ProCare support program are leaving some users unhappy. (2 messages)

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