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As Adam celebrates his 30th birthday on Tuesday, you can read the Eudora tips and tricks he provides in honor of the release of his latest book, the Eudora Visual QuickStart Guide. Also in this issue, Jeff passes on additional comments about onscreen typography; we welcome Cyberian Outpost as our latest sponsor; report on the response to the Apple Store; and announce the release of PowerBook Zip drives, a lower price for Eudora Pro, and LetterRip 2.1.1.


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New TidBITS Sponsor: Cyberian Outpost -- We're pleased to welcome our latest sponsor, Cyberian Outpost. Founded by Darryl Peck, whose Mac credentials include being president of the New York Macintosh Users Group and founder of Mac developer Inline Design, Cyberian Outpost was an early Internet software and hardware retailer and one of the few that existed solely online. We've worked with Cyberian in the past to provide deals for readers on some of the items we review in TidBITS, and Cyberian has become the place we turn first when we look for a piece of software. For more information about Cyberian, check out the two-part interview we conducted with Darryl Peck in April of 1996. And of course, take a look at their sponsorship text each week for deals on Macintosh products. [ACE]


Eudora Pro Price Reduced, Beta Available -- In a press release today, Qualcomm announced a special holiday price reduction on Eudora Pro 3.0. Through 08-Dec-97, you can buy Eudora Pro for an estimated price of $29, approximately half of the previous average street price of $59 (prices may vary at different retailers). For those who want a taste of the next version of Eudora Pro, Qualcomm has opened up a public beta test on Eudora Pro 4.0, which will add support for LDAP, M/HTML, automatic configuration, inline graphics, background email transfers, and more. [ACE]


LetterRip 2.1.1 Released -- Fog City Software has released LetterRip 2.1.1, the latest version of their easy-to-use mailing list server software. Version 2.1.1 adds a number of small but welcome improvements, including increased performance accessing subscriber lists (necessitating a new internal subscriber list format - you cannot revert to previous versions without exporting and re-importing your subscriber lists) and reduced memory usage for searches using Apple events. In addition, the LetterRip Administrator Connect dialog defaults to the Password field if the Domain field already contains default text, and the Email Admin processor adds a find command for finding subscribers based on any string in the email address. LetterRip costs $295; upgrades for previous owners are free. Fog City recommends that all users upgrade, particularly those using LetterRip's processors. [ACE]


About Those 56 Kbps Modems -- If you're thinking about blazing through the Internet with a 56 Kbps modem, you might want to check out NetBITS-008, which features an article looking at how 56K modems work and why the competing K56Flex and X2 standards may be burning users. The issue also talks about image compression methods, laments the passing of Gopher and WAIS, and catches a wave with the originator of the phrase "surfing the Internet." Also, if you have questions about Web graphics, you may find answers in NetBITS-007, where Glenn Fleishman explains GIF, JPEG, PNG, and more. That issue also talks about email bounces and debunks the current misinformation being spread about America Online. If you find these NetBITS articles useful, you can receive NetBITS in email each week automatically by sending email to <>. [ACE]


Apple Store Books $500,000 in 12 Hours -- After removing the deadbolt on the Apple Store that we reported on last week, Apple reported placement of $500,000 in orders during its first 12 hours of business. The online store, which offers build-to-order (BTO) Power Macintosh G3 computers using WebObjects technology acquired by NeXT, shouldered 4.4 million hits between noon and midnight PST on its opening day. This is good news, of course, and interim CEO Steve Jobs appropriately gushed in his quote for Apple's press release. Now we have to wait and see if Apple's "Think Different" campaign spills over to fulfilling orders and shipping machines on time. [JLC]


PowerBooks Get Zipped -- Owners of PowerBooks with expansion bays - the 190, 5300, 1400, 3400, and G3 models - will finally be able to use their storehouse of Zip disks on the road without packing an external drive and its bulky power supply. VST announced last week the first shipments of its hot-swappable internal PowerBook Zip drives that read and write to Iomega's popular 100 MB disks. The long-delayed drives ship with one Zip disk containing a bootable version of Mac OS 8 pre-installed; the drive itself is ready to run out of the box, replacing the removable floppy drive or CD-ROM. The thought that an internal Zip drive might become a reality was one of the main factors that led me to purchase a 5300cs over a year ago. Suggested retail for the drives is $349.95. [JLC]


Eudora Internet Scheduler? In response to our Qualcomm Buys Now Software MailBIT in TidBITS-404, Mark C. Corsi <> writes:

In assessing the benefits of Qualcomm's acquisition of Now Software, you overlook Now Contact and Now Up-to-Date. My guess is that Qualcomm will develop these two products further and integrate then with the Eudora, Eudora Internet Mail Server, and Qualcomm's WorldMail servers. Scheduling and calendaring are starting to become a part of the corporate network solution. A calendaring and scheduling standard is being developed by the IETF, and should be ready in a year or so (a conservative guess on my part). Additionally, remember that Qualcomm's Eudora division is competing with Netscape, Microsoft and Lotus (among others), all of whom have a calendaring solution.


Apple and Build-to-Order -- Weldon Dodd <> comments about our Is Apple Thinking Different? article in TidBITS-404:

Your article lacked some analysis of Apple's important new build-to-order (BTO) system. It's true that the BTO system was expensive and required significant changes in Apple's processes. However, the potential gains go beyond the obvious advantage of providing custom configurations. Apple has an opportunity to keep backorders down, fulfillment up, eliminate overstock, and erase millions in inventory from its liability sheet. This won't happen overnight, but Apple has finally built the foundation to respond to market demand. Jobs stated emphatically that every future Apple product starting with these G3 systems will be built on the BTO system. More than any other announcement, the BTO system gives me hope that Apple is indeed beginning to "think different." I can understand any hesitation to believe that Apple will improve its forecasting and fulfillment problems, but this BTO strategy gives me hope.


Web Reading Requires More than Just Character(s)

by Jeff Carlson <>

As I discussed in my article about onscreen typography in TidBITS-403, the Web has sparked renewed interest in fonts that are easier to read onscreen. Most of the responses I received either concurred with using typefaces such as New York or Georgia in place of the standard Times, or suggested alternatives such as Utopia. However, several TidBITS subscribers pointed out that it takes more than just font adjustments to make reading easier for viewers' strained eyes.


Compare and Contrast -- Christopher N. Vogt <> writes that one failing of modern operating systems is the attempt to replicate the physical world.

A subject most people don't consider when it comes to computers and eye strain is the foolish idea of making computers look like paper, i.e. black text on a white background. I often compare this to reading the wattage on a light bulb with the light turned on. Talk about eyestrain! I continue to be frustrated with systems - Mac OS included - that don't have a simple support for swapping between white-on-black and black-on-white. I've sat in front of a computer screen for 8 to 16 hours a day for 20 years, and I have never suffered from eyestrain, except when I can't get white-on-black.

Quality Is Key -- Tracy Valleau <> mentioned the importance of the physical medium from which you're reading.

As a programmer for the past 20 years, I've spent more than 80,000 hours reading text on the screen. The single most useful thing you can do to save your eyes is: get a good monitor. With a good monitor, anti-aliased type just looks fuzzy while crisp type is, in fact, easier to read.
All the typeface changes in the universe won't help if you use a cheap monitor. If necessary, send it out to be sure that the guns (which draw the image on screen) are properly aligned.

Burned by Charcoal? Since the introduction of Mac OS 8, typographers have argued about the quality of Apple's choice of system-wide font, Charcoal, over the venerable Chicago that has shipped since the first Macintoshes. If you want to change your Mac's font in the Appearance control panel (which affects the text in menus and dialog boxes), you're likely to find only Charcoal and Chicago as options. However, as the Web site below details, there's an unsupported workaround enabling you to specify other fonts to be used by the OS, with a little help from ResEdit (Apple's free resource editing tool).


More Info and an Interview -- To read even more about onscreen fonts, with a particular emphasis on fonts and Web browsing, check out the in-depth feature recently published by Web Review. You'll find a good collection of detailed information about screen fonts; embedded font technologies; employing font technology in Web sites; Cascading Style Sheets; and more, including an interview with Matthew Carter, designer of Microsoft's Georgia and Verdana typefaces, who talks about the different design process involved in creating a font for screens, not printers.


Eudora Tips & Tricks

by Adam C. Engst <>

My latest book, Eudora for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide (Peachpit Press, ISBN 0-201-69663-0, $16.95) has just become available, and I thought I'd celebrate the event by passing on some of the information I learned in the process of writing the book. Qualcomm claims that 18 million people use Eudora for email; if my experiences with many friends and relatives who use Eudora is indicative, vast numbers of people aren't taking full advantage of the power in the latest versions of Eudora 3.x.


The tips below run the gamut from those that will primarily interest a beginner or someone who hasn't explored Eudora's numerous settings to those I'm confident that few Eudora users know or use. I lack the space here to step through exactly how to perform some of these tasks; more complete instructions exist in the book, which, like all of Peachpit Press's Visual QuickStart Guides, provides numbered steps accompanied by screenshots and detailed captions. Also, Eudora is completely cross-platform, so the tips generally apply to both the Mac and Windows versions, although a few are Mac-only.

I've also created a Web page that contains Eudora news (new releases, public betas, that sort of thing); Eudora tips (straight from the book); links to useful Eudora resources on the Internet, and additional information about the book, including an abridged version in Acrobat format. Set a bookmark to check the page periodically for the latest in news and tips.


Efficient Sending -- By default, Eudora comes set to send an email message immediately after you finish writing it. This behavior may not bother people who have permanent Internet connections, but it's a massive waste of time for those who connect to the Internet via modem. The reason for this default is that novice users could otherwise easily queue messages for delivery, believing they had been sent, but fail to send them.

The solution to this problem is to turn off the Immediate send checkbox in the Sending Mail settings panel, and while you're there, turn on the Send on Check checkbox. Once you do that, all outgoing message are queued in your Out box and sent the next time you check to see if you have new mail.

For those with permanent Internet connections who send messages immediately, let me suggest that you should queue messages anyway because you never know when you'll want to take back something you said in a message. If you queue messages for later sending, you have a chance to edit your words later. I make changes in queued messages several times a day.

Keep Copies -- While I'm talking about sending messages, let me encourage you to check the Keep copies checkbox in the Sending Mail settings panel. That setting makes Eudora keep copies of outgoing messages in your Out box after they've been sent. (The status of the message changes from Queued to Sent.) I can't tell you how useful it's been to be able to go back into my archive of outgoing messages and see what I said weeks, months, or even years later. Actually, I can tell you - in a couple of cases, it's saved my bacon.

I send a lot of email - between 1,000 and 1,500 messages each month. My Out box would overflow quickly unless I moved messages out of it on a regular basis, so at the beginning of every month I transfer the previous month's sent messages to another mailbox. I've been doing this for years, and it has proven to be a useful method of documenting my business and personal lives, without the trouble of keeping a diary.

Create & Find Filters -- I consider filters an essential feature of an email program, and if you don't use filters, let me encourage you to try them (choose Filtering Messages from the Help menu for more information if you've never tried Filters before). In Eudora, the simplest filter transfers messages to another mailbox - if you subscribe to mailing lists, you can keep your In box uncluttered by filtering messages from a list to another mailbox. Look at the headers to find text that's common to all messages from the list, usually the From line or a recipient that would be caught by Any Recipient.

Eudora Light's filters are somewhat limited. You can change the priority and subject of a message and copy or transfer the message to another mailbox. Eudora Pro offers more options, including the capability to open messages or mailboxes; forward, redirect, or reply to a message; play sounds; and even change personalities. This last action has proven useful recently; with the launch of NetBITS, our mail server now receives mail for both <> and <>. I have Eudora Pro look for all messages to <> and set them to a NetBITS personality so my replies appear to come from that address as well, rather than my primary address of <>.

(For those that haven't seen Eudora Pro, personalities enable you to check for mail at multiple Internet accounts and reply using those addresses. Most people don't need multiple email personalities; those of us that do can't imagine not having them.)

Once you have a lot of filters - as you will if you subscribe to numerous mailing lists or attempt to create filters to catch spam - finding any given one to edit it proves difficult. In the Mac versions of Eudora, however, you can use the Find feature within the Filters window. Just open the Filters window, then open the Find window and perform a Find for some text in the filter.

Use Redirect -- Far too few people understand or use Eudora's Redirect feature, which is a godsend to anyone who uses Eudora for business purposes. Sooner or later you'll receive a message that should be handled by a co-worker. In a normal email program, you would forward the message to that person, who would receive a message from you containing the original message. In Eudora, however, you'd redirect the message to your co-worker, who would then receive the message from the original sender with a little (by way of) tag added to the From line to make it clear that you had sent it along.

When your co-worker replies to the message, the reply goes to the original sender, not to you. Your co-worker doesn't have to search for the original sender's address and copy and paste it into a new reply - redirects are functionally equivalent to receiving a message directly. As an example of the utility of this feature, imagine our situation. After every issue of TidBITS or NetBITS, we receive tens or hundreds of messages at our editors address. One person sorts through them, rapidly redirecting them to the appropriate person on the staff, or if necessary, the author of an article. We take advantage of a setting in Eudora's Miscellaneous settings panel that turns on Turbo Redirect by default - when you choose a recipient from the hierarchical Turbo Redirect menu, Eudora redirects the message to that person, closes the message window, and moves the original message to the Trash.

Finding & Searching -- The Mac versions of Eudora suffer from an overly ambitious search feature (the Windows versions are less capable, but also less complex), which confuses most Eudora users I know. Here's the trick. First, there is a difference between finding, which takes place within a single message, and searching, which takes place across messages. Second, Eudora cares deeply about the "starting point" for the search and displays what it thinks the starting point is in the Find window, between VCR-style buttons that enable you to change the starting point. When you first open the Find window, the currently selected message becomes the starting point. However, you shouldn't assume that the selected message in the frontmost mailbox will always be the starting point - it won't. I've found that it's safest to ignore any open mailboxes and instead click the Choose button, then select a mailbox from the Mailboxes menu to set the starting point manually. Once you've done that, you can click one of the three search buttons to search the mailbox that contains the starting point, the mailbox folder that contains the mailbox containing the starting point, or all mailboxes until the end (but not cycling around, as the Windows version does).

Although Eudora's searching is extremely fast, it's too linear. Instead of finding a message and displaying it, then forcing you to search again for the next one that matches, Eudora should present a mailbox of found messages so you can quickly scan them and see which one contains the information you want. You should also be able to sort that found mailbox in all the ways you can normally, including such great shortcuts as Option-clicking a cell in a mailbox to select all messages that share the same cell contents for that column. It's a great way to select all the messages from a certain person, or of a certain size, or with certain subject, for instance, without sorting the entire mailbox.

Controlling Your Modem -- When it was more common for ISPs to charge by the hour, people always wanted to know how they could get Eudora to hang up the modem after sending and receiving mail. I used to explain that it wasn't that simple, since Eudora was an email program and knew nothing about the status of the Internet connection, which could have been established in one of many ways.

Now, however, Eudora can hang up when done, with a number of caveats. First, you must be using MacSLIP or OT/PPP. Second, Eudora must have caused the connection to be opened to be able to close it. The necessary checkboxes to control this behavior are located in the OT/PPP and MacSLIP settings panel. Just set the checkboxes as desired to have Eudora avoid automatic checks if not connected and disconnect MacSLIP or OT/PPP if Eudora caused the connection.

Send Email Reminders -- One of the ways that I've hit upon for reminding both myself and others of events or to-do items well in the future is email. Tonya and I share a networked calendar program, but email sometimes works better than a flashing reminder, and of course, my calendar can't remind others of things I want them to do or remember.

Eudora has an elegant solution to this problem - scheduled email. Most of the time when you queue a message for later sending, you want it sent the next time Eudora connects. However, you can also ask Eudora to send the message at a specified later date and time. That's useful, because if you just sent yourself or someone else a reminder a month early, it's essentially useless. You want that reminder appearing a day or so ahead of time.

To do this, Option-click the Queue button in the message window or press Command-Option-E to queue the message. Eudora displays a dialog box where you set the time the message will be sent, and the message will sit quietly in your Out mailbox until your specified time. However, Eudora won't automatically connect at that time; the message will be sent during the next connection that takes place after the specified time. I recommend always allowing a day or so more time than would otherwise be strictly necessary.

Glossary -- Although I'm sure it's not unknown, none of my friends - even those who have used Eudora heavily for years - have realized that Eudora sports a glossary feature, just like a word processor. It's a bit more obvious once you put a few facts together.

I hope you see where I'm going now. To create a glossary entry, you create a new nickname in the Address Book with the text you want the entry to contain in the Address(es) field. Then, in the body of the message, you type the nickname, press Option and choose Finish & Expand Address Book Entry from the Edit menu or press Command-Option-Comma.

Aside from the few characters you can't include in the replacement text, the other liability is that you must empty the "Domain to add to unqualified domain names" field in the Sending Mail settings panel. Otherwise, Eudora happily appends that domain to the first word in your replacement text, as in " is a test." Also, leave the Name field in the address book blank or it will also be inserted with your replacement text.

So, even if you don't have or want to run a separate utility that enables you to insert stock text in messages easily, you can take advantage of the flexibility built into Eudora's Address Book to achieve the same functionality. I use it for things like my snail mail address and a few other bits that I hate typing manually.

Final Shameless Request -- I'll be honest. I write books because I want to help people, but the only way they can help many people is if they sell well. With the massive glut of Internet books, that won't happen unless you lend me your support. If I've helped you directly, as I have the many thousands of people who write in with questions, or indirectly, via seven and a half years of producing TidBITS or the now-defunct Internet Starter Kit books, here's how you can return the favor.

First, if you use Eudora, consider buying the book at your favorite bookstore or the link below. I'm positive you'll find it useful. Second, if you do find the book helpful, recommend it to friends and colleagues, and ask local bookstores to carry it. That's of immeasurable value. Third, if you know of large businesses or educational institutions that site license Eudora, please let me know at <>. A recent study reported in the Chronicle of Higher Education noted that a third of college campuses rely on email today, and that the number one problem remained user support. I think this book, with its clear, step-by-step instructions for every common task in Eudora, one per page, can help address that user support problem.


Finally, unlike my beefy Internet Starter Kit books, this Eudora VQS is a slim 200 pages, so it's light enough to bring to Macworld Expo in San Francisco in January. If you can help in any of the above ways and are going to the show, please find me there so I can express my gratitude and sign your copy of the book. I'll certainly be at the Peachpit booth at various times and at the Netter's Dinner, so I should be easy to find.

Non-profit, non-commercial publications and Web sites may reprint or link to articles if full credit is given. Others please contact us. We do not guarantee accuracy of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and company names may be registered trademarks of their companies. TidBITS ISSN 1090-7017.

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