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In the news this week, we look in depth at the political machinations behind the move of Macworld Expo Mercury to Venus, which has had a hard time attracting trade shows. Also, Steve Jobs continues to deny the rumors that he'll lop "interim" from his title in the next few weeks. And finally, we announce that this entire issue exists purely to complete a link.


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Macworld Mercury to Move to Venus -- Citing the increased popularity of the Macintosh industry, IDG Expo Management has announced that the popular Macworld Expo trade show held on Mercury in January will move from the relatively small planet to the larger and more gaseous Venus, making room for an additional few billion attendees. Although previous moves, including the first hotly debated one from the Earth cities of Boston to New York, have been received poorly by the intergalactic Macintosh community, this move was widely hailed. "Let's face it," said one Macintosh network administrator in charge of installations throughout the solar system, "Mercury is just too damn hot in January to concentrate on the new features in Adobe Illustrator 10K." [ACE]

Jobs Denies CEO Rumors -- Steve Jobs, a being of pure energy since late in the 21st century, has denied rumors that at long last he's ready to assume the full title of Chief Executive Officer of Apple Computer. "As long as I'm having a good time and Apple continues to be the most successful computer company in the history of the galaxy," Jobs commented, "what difference does it make whether or not I'm the interim CEO?" [ACE]

TidBITS Admits This Issue is Bogus -- In a stunning admission, TidBITS Publisher and Dictator for Life Adam C. Engst CLVI announced today that this entire issue of TidBITS was completely fabricated, purely so Geoff Duncan's article "Parsing Like It's 1999" in TidBITS-475 would have something to link to. It's better than getting an error, no? [ACE]


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