This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-09-29 at 10:24 a.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/29-Sep-08

by Jeff Carlson

Moving Time Capsule backups offsite -- What's the best way to make a backup of your Time Capsule backup and store it offsite? (1 message [1])

Problems with a StuffIt Archive File -- StuffIt says that the password for a protected archive is wrong, even though the owner knows it's correct. Could the issue be with the StuffIt version? (4 messages [2])

BCC self with Gmail -- A reader wants Gmail to send a blind copy to his account automatically, without adding a BCC recipient each time. (9 messages [3])

Storage for laptops with intermittent connectivity -- Suggestions are offered for setting up a file server that is accessible at any time, in any location, and which appears as just another volume. 4 messages [4])

StuffIt Deluxe 2009 Keeps Evolving After 20 Years -- A reader chimes in on his experiences with StuffIt over its two decades of existence. 1 message [5])

MercuryMover 2.0 Puts Windows Where You Want Them -- If you're looking to bring Finder windows to one screen on a multiple-display setup, a reader suggests an AppleScript script as an alternative to MercuryMover. 1 message [6])

iTunes "Genius Sidebar" -- Closing the iTunes 8 Genius sidebar can occasionally be problematic, but readers suggest ways to disable the feature. 5 messages [7])

Apple and the Economy -- A reader notes that his local Apple Store isn't as crowded as it used to be. Anomaly, or is the state of the economy starting to affect Apple's traffic? 1 message [8])

iPod touch as a Palm replacement -- After switching to an iPod touch, a reader shares his experiences with using it as a Palm replacement. 7 messages [9])

Running iPhone apps on a Mac -- Is it possible to run iPhone applications on a Mac? Not currently, but it's possible in principle. 2 messages [10])

CDDB and Gracenote -- Did Gracenote unfairly profit from the work of thousands of people who contributed to the CDDB, an online database of CD track information? 15 messages [11])

Developers Could Turn Away from iPhone App Store -- Readers discuss Apple's actions regarding approving applications for the App Store, including a discredited article that justifies Apple's behavior. 2 messages [12])
