This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-07-28 at 10:16 a.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/28-Jul-08

by Jeff Carlson

iPhone 3G car accessories -- Which accessories work with the iPhone 3G? Some items that worked with the previous iPhone don't function properly with the new model. (8 messages [1])

MobileMe Fails to Work -- Readers who are having trouble with MobileMe share their experiences. (3 messages [2])

Vanity Spreads to Top-Level Domain Names -- Don't expect to see a .engst domain name anytime soon. (3 messages [3])

TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 28-Jul-08 -- The latest update to iWeb resolves a long-standing bug. (2 messages [4])

iPhone sync problems -- If you're seeing problems syncing contacts, one solution is to restore Address Book from a backup and try again. (4 messages [5])

Configuration suggestions for 3 500 gig drives? With 1.5 TB of storage on the way, a reader solicits suggestions for the best ways to set up the hard drives. (16 messages [6])

Ideas for TCo Your iPhone update -- As Ted Landau looks to update his Take Control of Your iPhone title, what areas of the new iPhone 3G and iPhone 2.0 software are most important to include? (4 messages [7])

iTunes 7.7 Corrupts Accented Artist and Track Names -- Readers share their experiences with this problem in iTunes 7.7. (5 messages [8])

Syncing cell phones with Macs -- What options are available for synchronizing non-iPhone cell phones? (1 message [9])

iPhone/Windows Password Management -- It makes sense to have a secure copy of important passwords at the ready, but which programs are capable of offering that, especially under Windows? (1 message [10])

Stolen Laptop -- After a reader's MacBook Pro is stolen, he wonders whether his data is accessible to the thief, even with password-protection turned on. (4 messages [11])
