This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-06-02 at 12:31 a.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/02-Jun-08

by Jeff Carlson

Reorder photos in iPhoto albums -- Photos can be reordered in iPhoto, but they must be in an album rather than just in the library. (3 messages [1])

Migrating from Now Contact to Address Book -- The way to transfer contact data would seem to be creating a vCard, but one reader can't rely on that approach while retaining custom notes and fields in Now Contact. Any other ideas? (3 messages [2])

Reporting Vulnerabilities -- Based on last week's article by Rich Mogull, when should a security researcher report a software vulnerability? (1 message [3])

Tracking your laptop -- People are still talking about the stolen Mac recovered thanks to Back to My Mac, including how to roll your own solution (3 messages [4])

Back in the Saddle with the TomTom Go 720 GPS -- Readers get snarky after reading Adam's review of this GPS device. (3 messages [5])

Switching iPhone's sync home -- How do you re-associate an iPhone so it syncs with a laptop on the road instead of the Mac at home or the office? (1 message [6])

Warning 10.5.3 vs. Time Capsule password -- An ampersand in a Time Capsule password can cause trouble. (1 message [7])

Tip: See Dictionary Definitions in Real Time -- Adam's handy tip won't work in all applications, but which ones? (10 messages [8])

Delicious Library 2 -- Readers share their experiences with this highly anticipated software. (5 messages [9])

Mac OS 10.5.3 Update Resolves Numerous Issues -- Apple may have solved many problems with 10.5.3, but did they also introduce new ones? A reader reports problems with the latest system update. (2 messages [10])

Back to My Mac Communicates Faults in 10.5.3 -- Readers share their wireless networking configurations to ensure data is getting backup up regularly. (7 messages [11])
