This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-05-26 at 2:21 a.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/26-May-08

by Jeff Carlson

Folder Encryption -- A reader needs to ensure that work files remain securely encrypted. Will FileVault provide the solution, or are third-party encryption products the answer? (10 messages [1])

Spam on iPhone -- The iPhone's limited memory and storage make it difficult to provide good on-device filtering of unsolicited email. Instead, weed out the junk before it gets to the phone. (2 messages [2])

Griping about Mail -- A former Eudora user runs into limitations in Mail, which spurs a discussion about preserving original messages for litigation. (6 messages [3])

Using Skype Video -- Can you take advantage of Skype's High Quality Video setting without purchasing special Logitech hardware? (2 messages [4])

DirecTV DVR to Mac -- The non-TiVo DVR offered by DirecTV does not seem capable of transferring video to a Mac, so what's the alternative? (3 messages [5])

Monitor Recommendations -- After soliciting advice on buying a replacement display, Kirk McElhearn shares advice on acquiring and setting it up. (1 message [6])

Power supply and fan replacements -- Can replacing an old power supply and fan in a Power Mac G4 improve performance and reduce noise? (2 messages [7])

iPhone Survivor: Traveling Without a Laptop -- Readers respond to Rich Mogull's article on leaving his laptop at home for a trip to San Francisco. (4 messages [8])
