This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-04-27 at 5:55 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/28-Apr-08

by Jeff Carlson

Converting (local) Time Machine backups to Time Machine sparsebundle (network) -- A reader wants to know how to restore a Time Machine backup stored on a connected hard disk now that the drive is connected to a Time Capsule. (1 message [1])

Problem with Entourage 2004 (vers. 11.4.0) -- An old rule that references an AppleScript script prevented Entourage from checking mail; in the meantime, readers highlight several troubleshooting resources. (7 messages [2])

Printing text messages -- MegaPhone makes it easy to transfer files to the iPhone for easy access. (5 messages [3])

Printer sharing problem -- A shared printer stops working; is Leopard to blame? The solution may require spelunking among the printer drivers. (4 messages [4])

Strange Behavior with Gmail & Two Macs -- What could be causing Gmail to ignore some messages for one machine but not the other? (5 messages [5])

**not so negative at all...** The only perceived downside to Apple's latest quarterly earnings was flat iPod sales, but is 10 million really bad news? (2 messages [6])

Dealing with FLAC audio files -- iTunes won't play FLAC-formatted audio files, but a few other utilities can help. (10 messages [7])

Shell scripting Classic with bash? A reader is looking for help in updating data that previously ran only under Classic on the Mac so that it can be read under Windows (on a MacBook Pro). (3 messages [8])

New HP 2133 Mini-Notebook -- How does HP's new mini-notebook compare to the MacBook Air? (2 messages [9])

QuickTime SWFs -- Built-in Flash support appears to have been removed in the latest version of QuickTime. What options are there for easily ready .swf files (other than Flash Player)? (3 messages [10])
