This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-04-09 at 6:25 a.m.
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VMware Fusion Video Contest

by Adam C. Engst

The Fusion team at VMware is aiming to have some fun in their ongoing virtualization competition with Parallels. Through 15-May-08, they're running a contest [1] in which people who have switched to VMware Fusion from Parallels Desktop or Virtual PC can create 60-second videos about the experience. Everyone who submits a video will receive a VMware Fusion t-shirt and bumper sticker, and the winner will walk away with a MacBook Air and a copy of VMware Fusion. All the videos will be shown on the Switch to Fusion [2] mini-site after the close of the contest.

Although VMware has put together a PDF with necessary instructions [3] and tips for making a good video, if you're intimidated by the task, you can also write up a blog post about the switch and post that to get a free VMware Fusion bumper sticker and a chance to win an iPod touch. Another PDF explains what's necessary [4] for the blog post entries.

Be sure to read the contest terms and conditions carefully, since they lay out the judging criteria for both videos and blog posts.
