This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-04-04 at 9:40 a.m.
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Printer-Friendly Mode Returns to TidBITS

by Glenn Fleishman

Fans of the plain-vanilla method of displaying Web pages suitable for printing (or even simplified on-screen reading and PDF making) will be happy to know that we have restored our printer-friendly article formatting mode.

As regular readers know, over the last two years, we've overhauled nearly every aspect of how TidBITS is written, edited, staged, published, and composed into email issues. Somewhere along the line, we stuck a to-do note on the virtual wall saying, "Remember to bring back printer-friendly articles." (See, for instance, "Designing a Modern Web Site for TidBITS [1]," 2007-09-10.)

At the top of every article you'll now see a Print link with a page icon next to it. Click that, and you're taken to a nearly color-free - to paraphrase Dr. Hibbert from The Simpsons, "Black is not a color" - page in which the links are referenced by number and listed neatly at the bottom. Images are also removed. As an example, try viewing this article [2] in printer-friendly mode.

We hope we've saved a tree or two by restoring this mode for those who prefer to print articles from the Web.

[Update 13-Apr-08: We have added a control that lets readers toggle whether or not embedded images show in print mode. -Adam]
