This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-02-18 at 2:05 a.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/18-Feb-08

by Joe Kissell

Scan Mac News Headlines at Alltop -- A reader comments on the selection of Mac news available at Alltop. (1 message [1])

Beachballitis -- Readers discuss possible causes of a frequently occurring spinning beachball of death. (6 messages [2])

More Mileposts Along Road to 3G iPhone -- What does AT&T's recent announcement mean to people who live outside major urban areas? (4 messages [3])

Please Welcome Eliana Wren Carlson -- The youngest member of the TidBITS family receives some of her first email messages. (3 messages [4])

10.5.2 Wait or Try? Is it finally safe for anyone to install Leopard, or are there remaining issues that might induce someone to wait for a later release? (23 messages [5])

Leopard 10.5.2: TidBITS Complains, Apple Listens, Sort Of -- The pluses and minuses of Mac OS X 10.5.2's improvements get a detailed going-over. (7 messages [6])

Starbucks Deal Brewed with AT&T -- The new Starbucks-AT&T alliance provokes speculation and commentary from readers. (14 messages [7])

Leopard Emerges from Beta as 10.5.2 Ships -- Readers ask about solutions for continued annoyances in Mac OS X 10.5.2. (8 messages [8])

Transparent Menu Bar, Die Die Die! At least one reader was quite content with the transparent menu bar. (1 messages [9])

Slide show presentation software -- What's the best Mac software for creating a slide show presentation with video content? (8 messages [10])

Mac OS X 10.5.2 Update: Dock Stacks Go Bye-bye -- Apple does appear to listen to its users, at least on some occasions; readers discuss the welcome return of proper folders to the Dock. (9 messages [11])

Keyboard characters jumbled -- A reader's keyboard characters mysteriously become rearranged, leading to an inability to type passwords (among other things). (5 messages [12])

AirTunes added to Apple TV -- The newly improved Apple TV now apparently has AirTunes support, though with a catch or two. (1 message [13])

Vagaries of Apple's DVI-to-ADC adapter -- Why won't an external display work on a MacBook Pro when its lid is closed, as Apple says it should? (1 message [14])

Backing up/moving Time Machine data sets/drives -- The process of moving a Time Machine volume to another disk is fraught with peril. (2 messages [15])

AT&T Express Card -- The new 3G AT&T Express Card is nice, but will you get a discount if you're already paying for an iPhone plan? (1 message [16])
