This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-02-07 at 2:26 p.m.
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iPhoto Print Products Available in Australia and New Zealand

by Adam C. Engst

A mere six years after introducing iPhoto, Apple has finally made print products available in Australia [1] and New Zealand [2]. Now Mac users in Australia and New Zealand can purchase iPhoto books, cards, calendars, and prints in exactly the same way that users in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Japan can. Pricing includes GST (Goods and Services Tax) in both countries, making them rather comparable to the U.S. and Canadian pricing. Previously, iPhoto users in those countries had to use a U.S. billing and shipping address, and get a friend to forward things on.

For those still using iPhoto 6 or earlier, sorry, but it appears that you must update to iPhoto '08 7.1.2, the latest version of the program, to be able to order print products.

I assume, but have been unable to confirm, that Apple relies on Kodak for all of iPhoto's print products; at least in the United States, iPhoto claims that prints come from the Kodak Print Service.

[Update 13-Feb-08: I've now confirmed that prints in Australia, at least, use a service from Fuji. Thanks to Matthew Drayton for the tipoff. -Adam]

Although most other reports have focused on the snazzy hardcover iPhoto books, I'm personally much fonder of iPhoto's cards and calendars. We created our holiday cards in iPhoto this year (see "Tips for Better iPhoto Cards [3]," 2008-01-08), and I'm a big fan of the calendars as gifts that are guaranteed to be displayed for an entire year (see "The Trick to Adjusting Dates in iPhoto Calendars [4]," 2008-12-26). My experience is that the books are looked at a few times and then put on the shelf.

Amusingly, our Australian friend Peter Lewis just asked what paper we had used for our holiday card, assuming we had printed it ourselves. I was pleased to tell him that not only had we not printed it ourselves, but he could now order cards from Apple as well.
