This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-01-27 at 8:53 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/28-Jan-08

by Jeff Carlson

Tiger on Current iMac -- How can one get a Tiger installation disc for a current iMac model (which now ships with Leopard)? (2 messages [1])

Yoyodyne Flash: European phone experience + iPod Touch -- Traveling internationally with an iPhone (or other cell phone) has bitten a number of people due to onerous roaming charges. Here's how several readers made it work. (3 messages [2])

MacBook Air Introduced as World Thinnest Notebook -- Reader discuss the tradeoffs Apple made to create the MacBook Air, and how people value some aspects (like weight and thickness) over others (like ports and power). (5 messages [3])

Mailtrust ( - or other hosted email services -- A reader seeks advice about this email provider, and others discuss the merits of outsourced versus self-hosted email. (4 messages [4])

GTD on an iPod Touch or iPhone -- With the lack of to-do applications on the iPhone and iPod touch, how do people employ the Getting Things Done organizational system on these handhelds? (2 messages [5])

New to OS X but having internet connectivity problems -- An inexperienced Mac user seeks advice on why his Mac won't allow Internet access via Ethernet. (1 message [6])

Can I stop the start up chime in 10.4.11? Several options, ranging from Terminal commands to a trip to Radio Shack, are available for muting a Mac's startup sound. (7 messages [7])

iChat AV versus my home router (SIP, NAT and firewalls oh my) -- iChat's video conferencing is supposed to just work, even when traversing routers and firewalls, but that's not always the case. What combination of software, protocols, and hardware will help? (1 message [8])
