This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2008-01-21 at 12:38 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/21-Jan-08

by Jeff Carlson

Eudora vs. Mac's Mail -- A lack of authentication is the likely culprit for a reader who can't get Eudora to work outside his home network. (3 messages [1])

When is a Warranty Not a Warranty? Mark Anbinder's experience with a failed hard drive and subsequent frustration leads to a discussion of warranty repairs (and related horror stories). (7 messages [2])

Dock Icons Not Default -- For some reason, icons on a reader's Dock have shifted. Perhaps the icon caches have become corrupted? (4 messages [3])

Monochrome Laser MFC to share Mac/Windows? Readers share their experiences with multi-function printers (don't forget to consider the costs of toner replacements!). (9 messages [4])

New Mac User (not until I get my Mac) -- A person interested in switching to the Mac is contemplating a Mac mini. Has the compact Mac been abandoned by Apple, or is it still a worthwhile machine? (22 messages [5])

Broadband Internet w/o DSL or Cable -- A reader sets up EVDO Internet service in a house that is out of range of DSL or cable service. (2 messages [6])

Lost Finder sounds in Leopard -- The sound effects in Leopard's Finder have disappeared for a few readers. Where did they go? (4 messages [7])

multi-touch trackpad -- The new multi-touch trackpad found on the MacBook Air is impressive, but will that functionality cross over into other Mac laptops? Are the features just in software, or does the new trackpad include special hardware not found in other models? (7 messages [8])

MacBook Air -- The MacBook Air comes with a cleaning cloth, presumably because it has a glossy screen. Other recent Macs with glossy screens have also included similar cloths. (14 messages [9])

An iPod Touch question -- The new applications available for the iPod touch could be enough to compel a reader to finally ditch his Palm handheld. Also, people discuss ways of storing secure passwords on the iPhone and iPod touch. (14 messages [10])

So, how is Time Capsule different from an Airport Extreme + Drive? Readers discuss Time Capsule's disk mode as well as the lack of support for Time Machine backup functionality to a hard disk attached to a regular AirPort Extreme. (11 messages [11])

iTunes Movie Rentals and Apple TV Take 2 -- A reader disputes our idea that a $99 Apple TV would be a good idea. (1 message [12])

Movie rentals -- Do the new terms of service of iTunes movie rentals prohibit watching movies stored on an iPod from playing on a connected television? Or is the Apple TV the only route to the TV? (1 message [13])

Folder actions -- A reader tries to use a folder action to sort a folder's icons, but the solution may lie in just setting that folder's view preferences. (2 messages [14])

Sharing security -- Are connections made between Macs secure? We look at AFP and Screen Sharing, and discuss the merits of public key authentication. (8 messages [15])

No CableCard for the Apple TV -- Putting a CableCard into the Apple TV would convince one reader to ditch his DVR, but Apple clearly doesn't want to play along with the cable industry. (12 messages [16])

Time Capsule and Its Associated Rage Factor -- Several people bought AirPort Extreme base stations and external USB hard drives in anticipation of Time Machine, but that feature was pulled before Leopard's release. Is Time Capsule a worthy replacement? (5 messages [17])

The new Cube? Stunning design, less power, and a price premium: is the MacBook Air the next Power Mac G4 Cube? (20 messages [18])

AVCHD support -- Final Cut Express 4 can only import AVCHD video on an Intel-based Mac, but a program called Voltaic can do the necessary conversion on PowerPC-based Macs as well. (3 messages [19])

Word 2008 and the Paste Plain Text Dance -- Readers offer suggestions for utilities that can paste unformatted text. (4 messages [20])
