This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-12-10 at 11:47 a.m.
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Adam, Tonya, and Andy Ihnatko on MacNotables

by Adam C. Engst

The real problem with organizing a podcast around well-known Macintosh writers is that we're all slaves to Apple's product announcements. Normally, that just means we're a bit more crazed, but still up for recording MacNotables podcasts. But with the release of Leopard, we all disappeared into major deadlines, resulting in only a few shows since Leopard's ship date. But last week, Tonya and I and Andy Ihnatko were able to connect with Chuck Joiner to record a two-part show. In the first part [1], we talked about the TidBITS Gift Guide, what we're really doing with regard to Leopard, and some social networking sites. In the second part [2], we continue the discussion of social networking sites before veering off into a look at another of Andy's areas of expertise - comic books - along with some thoughts on the 1980s. (WeÆre easily sidetracked at the best of times, and we're all still mentally exhausted.)
