This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-12-10 at 11:07 a.m.
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Bonus Stories for 10-Dec-07

by TidBITS Staff

Our bonus stories this week focus largely on fixing some of the irritations with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard's transparent menu bar and Stacks feature.

Adam, Tonya, and Andy Ihnatko on MacNotables [1] -- After a long hiatus, Tonya and I and Andy Ihnatko connect with Chuck Joiner to record a two-part MacNotables podcast that ranges widely, as they always seem to. (Adam C. Engst, 2007-12-10)

Leopard Compatibility List Updated [2] -- Curious about what programs have been updated for Leopard? Look inside for a list of the important or interesting programs that specifically claim Leopard compatibility. (TidBITS Staff, 2007-12-06)

Quay Sticks It to Stacks [3] -- First the Dock lost its silly reflectiveness, then we blocked the menu bar's transparency. Now a new utility, Quay, lets you replace Stacks in the Leopard Dock with folders that have hierarchical menus - just like on, uh, Tiger, Panther, and every iteration of Mac OS X. Except Leopard. Except that Quay's hierarchical menus are cooler. (Matt Neuburg, 2007-11-27)

Accessing My Home Music Library with Simplify Media [4] -- Frustrated by not being able to listen to your music across an Internet connection because of limitations in iTunes? Simplify Media has the answer. (Jeff Carlson, 2007-11-16)

Transparent Menu Bar, Die Die Die! [5] -- The transparent menu bar has fallen, a victim of hackers' ingenuity. Users, rejoice! (Matt Neuburg, 2007-11-16)

A Simple Hack To Fix Leopard's Stacks [6] -- Frustrated by how Spaces uses meaningless document icons in the Dock? Rich Mogull points you to the solution. (Rich Mogull, 2007-11-15)
