This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-12-03 at 9:53 a.m.
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Bonus Stories for 03-Dec-07

by Adam C. Engst

Leopard Compatibility List Updated [1] -- Curious about what programs have been updated for Leopard? Look inside for a list of the important or interesting programs that specifically claim Leopard compatibility. (TidBITS Staff, 2007-12-02)

Powerless? iPhone Provides a Light [2] -- In a brief power outage, I discovered the joy of continuous Internet connectivity with my iPhone. I express outrage at the outage reporting, too. (Glenn Fleishman, 2007-11-10)

Google Used 70 Times More than Yahoo [3] -- Why is it that we get 70 times more referrals from Google than from Yahoo, considering that Google serves up only about 3 times as many searches? (Adam C. Engst, 2007-11-07)

iMovie '08 Meets Wild Robot Cars [4] -- Back from the field filming the DARPA Urban Challenge, will I be able to perform a simple task using iMovie '08 - to overlay some text onto an entire movie - without ever having used the program before, and without reading the manual? (Matt Neuburg, 2007-11-02)

Nisus Writer Pro Wrangles Word into HTML [5] -- Faced with the tedious task of converting styled source text from Word into HTML, Adam remembers that the proper tool for the job is Nisus Writer Pro, with its grep-based, attribute-sensitive Find and Replace capabilities. (Adam C. Engst, 2007-10-25)

My Real Breakfast with Fake Steve Jobs [6] -- Dear diary: I had breakfast with Fake Steve Jobs! He showed me the next-generation iPod (hint: it requires minor surgery to use), gave me a shiny new penny, and then wiped my memory using his reality distortion field. All I recall is eating a bagel with a Boston-based Forbes reporter named Dan Lyons. (Glenn Fleishman, 2007-10-24)
