This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-11-19 at 1:47 a.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/19-Nov-07

by Jeff Carlson

Hosting on .Mac -- Apple's online service now offers domain hosting, but only if used in conjunction with iWeb '08. (5 messages [1])

Spotlight Strikes Back: In Leopard, It Works Great -- Readers react to the changes in Spotlight under Leopard, including much better search criteria, a built-in calculator, and searching networked volumes. (9 messages [2])

Phone Message Software Recommendation please -- A number of suggestions are made for software that will easily accept transcribed phone messages. (6 messages [3])

iPhone Provides a Light -- Your iPhone (or other LCD-equipped piece of electronics, including an old PowerBook!) can also serve as an impromptu flashlight. (2 messages [4])

Leopard: Stopping Buffer Overflows -- The latest version of Mac OS X includes security improvements, but is our interconnectedness increasing vulnerability? (2 messages [5])

Leopard Firewall Takes One Step Forward, Three Steps Back -- Early problems with Skype and the Leopard firewall point to other problems with Skype's implementation. (2 messages [6])

Office 2004 printing problem Intel Mac -- Several users are seeing problems when printing from Office 2004 under Leopard. (3 messages [7])

Grumbling about Pages and iWeb -- You can use sources other than iPhoto for accessing photos in iWork, but the solution isn't necessarily obvious. (4 messages [8])

Mac Book Pro Screen Smear -- A mark that appeared to be a finger smear is oddly persistent. Perhaps the solution is Melamine foam. (3 messages [9])

Bento -- Readers react to Jeff Porten's article about FileMaker's Bento preview. (5 messages [10])

Leopard File Sharing -- When our children comb our electronic discussions, they will marvel at our capabilities to remember dates such as 19-Nov-97 in honor of the release of LaserWriter 8.5.1, or the oldest version of the Mac system that can still network with the newest version. (2 messages [11])

BBEdit 8.7.1 Adds Features, Fixes Bugs, Saves Data -- Adam's note about dealing with a large BBEdit Backups folder inspires others to share their solutions for keeping folders at manageable sizes. (2 messages [12])

Running Adobe Products in Leopard -- Adobe has posted a FAQ about what to expect when running its software under Leopard. (1 message [13])

Recent iMacs -- Sporadic problems with new iMacs may be solved by a recent firmware update. (3 messages [14])

OS X On Generic PC Hardware -- Some hackers have been able to run Mac OS X on generic PC hardware. Should Apple be worried? Is it really usable? (5 messages [15])
