This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-11-14 at 2:12 p.m.
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iPhoto 7.1.1 Increases Leopard Compatibility

by Adam C. Engst

Apple has released iPhoto 7.1.1 [1], saying only that it "supports compatibility with Mac OS X 10.5, improves overall stability, and addresses a number of other minor issues." The update is available via Software Update as a 10.8 MB download; a standalone download [2] has also been posted. You must have already updated to iPhoto 7.1; if you've missed that version for some reason, install it first [3], and it in turn requires the iLife Support 8.1.1 update [4].

I'm in the final throes of updating my "iPhoto '08 for Mac OS X: Visual QuickStart Guide" book, and I'm looking forward to this 7.1.1 update's improved "overall stability." I haven't lost any data that I know of, but iPhoto 7.1 has crashed seven times on me so far while I've been writing in November.

If you ever want to see how unreliable an application has been, try this in Tiger (in Leopard, you can just look at the number of crash log files for the application in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter):

  1. Open the Console application from your Utilities folder.
  2. Click the Logs button in the upper-left corner to open the Logs pane.
  3. Click the triangle next to ~/Library/Logs in the Logs pane, and then do the same for the triangle next to CrashReporter.
  4. Find iPhoto.crash.log (or whatever) in the list and select it to display the log in the main pane.
  5. Click the Reload button in the toolbar. If the Reload dialog appears (to give you access to the rest of a large file), load the entire log by dragging the slider all the way to right.
  6. Type "Date/Time" into the Filter field to filter the list to just the lines that include "Date/Time", which effectively limits to just the lines that show the date and time of each crash.
