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Webjimbo 2 Eases Network Setup, Adds iPhone Interface

by Glenn Fleishman

Webjimbo [1], a third-party interface to password and miscellany manager Yojimbo [2], has received a significant upgrade, now offering simple network configuration, a persistent remote access URL using NAT port mapping, and a specially tailored iPhone front end. Webjimbo 2 can now also edit stored passwords and encrypted notes. A list of new features [3] appears on a Webjimbo mailing list.

Webjimbo uses Yojimbo's extensive AppleScript interface to enable Web-based remote access to nearly everything you can stick in Bare Bones Software's data manager. Encrypted PDFs and Web archives are the two exceptions. I use Yojimbo religiously for storing every password, sales record, and random bit of crud that I accumulate in daily life. It's a decent solution to the problem expressed in David Weinberger's excellent book "Everything Is Miscellaneous [4]." (We reviewed Yojimbo 1.0 in "Let Yojimbo Guard Your Information Castle [5]," 2006-01-30; it's now at version 1.4.2.)

Like the previous version of Webjimbo, the new release uses a secure SSL/TLS Web connection with a self-signed certificate that enables you to access confidential information and passwords without worrying about sniffers. (Self-signed certificates produce a warning in browsers, including Safari on the iPhone, that the certificate can't be independently confirmed. You can permanently accept such a certificate in most browsers; Safari for iPhone makes you click Ignore once per session.)

Webjimbo also now offers automated router configuration to make computers without publicly routable IP addresses reachable through a directory that the developer has enabled; you can also configure a router manually. Like Back to My Mac in Leopard, you need to have a router that supports the Apple-developed NAT-PMP protocol (all AirPort Extreme and AirPort Express models), or the more widely found UPnP.

By registering the software with the Webjimbo directory, you can remotely access your system through [6], replacing yourname with the account you set up.

While there are a few other iPhone-based password managers that use cleverly tailored bookmarks to store password information (a technique pioneered by Selznick Scientific Software's Password Wallet for iPhone [7]), Webjimbo links directly and in real time to a more versatile information store. Webjimbo's iPhone interface is well designed to take advantage of limited screen real estate, limited download speed (when not on a Wi-Fi network), and the special limitations of the iPhone (no downloaded attachment). You can also view unencrypted PDFs, which is a nice plus.
