This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-11-06 at 6:38 a.m.
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AT&T Offers New International iPhone Data Plans

by Adam C. Engst

Likely due to the complaints from travelling iPhone users hit with astonishingly high data charges (see "iPhone Billing and International Issues [1]," 2007-08-20), AT&T has implemented new international iPhone data plans [2] that apply in 29 countries [3]. For $24.99, you get 20 MB of usage, and for $59.99, you get 50 MB of usage. If you go over the usage limit, you're charged $0.005 per kilobyte within the 29 discounted countries. For the 50 MB plan, you pay $0.010 per kilobyte outside those countries, except for a selection of neighboring countries listed at AT&T's site, where you'll pay $0.0195 per kilobyte. People on the 20 MB plan pay $0.0195 per kilobyte in all parts of the world outside of the 29 included countries. Keep in mind that these new plans come on top of your existing iPhone monthly bill, and we recommend you verify the details of your plan with AT&T before leaving on your trip.
