This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-10-16 at 11:26 a.m.
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The Best (and Worst) of Leopard

by Matt Neuburg

Before we go any further, may I say that I've been giving the Big Cat nomenclature problem some serious thought - Jaguar, Tiger, Leopard, how long can this go on? Well, I've discovered that there are a whole bunch of African feline species I'd never even heard of, such as the Caracal [1] and the Serval [2]. So at the current rate of development, this should carry Apple forward for at least another decade - by which time, if present trends are any indication, further species will have been discovered (or they'll all be extinct, one or the other).

Okay, to business. Apple has finally locked down the ship date for Leopard (just as Adam predicted in "It's Official: Leopard Ships on October 26th, 2007 [3]," 2007-10-16), and posted its list of over 300 new features [4]. Now, I'm still under a non-disclosure agreement that says I can't talk about anything Apple hasn't told you. But since Apple has told you about the 300 features, I can talk about them. I can't add any new information, of course; but I can tell you how I feel about them (Apple doesn't own my feelings, as far as I can tell). Here, then, are my favorite (and least favorite) new Leopard features.

Let me start with the bad news - what I don't like. There is just one thing, really, but it's quite a big thing, namely: the Desktop's new look.

It's like the emperor's new clothes. A menu bar that's hard to read because what's behind it shows through? Why is that a good idea? And stacks in the Dock are a solution in search of a non-existent problem; the way folders behave in the Dock now (just click and the folder opens, click and hold to see a hierarchical menu of the folder's contents) is great and doesn't deserve to change. Not to mention the whole distracting silly way the Dock is now being drawn. I already dislike the Dock and do all I can to keep it hidden all the time; in Leopard, I'll have twice as much reason to do so. The new Finder window sidebar is awful too; you can see in Apple's own screen shot that the icons and text are tiny and all the colors are converging on basic gray.

[image link] [5]

Now that I've got that off my chest, here are the new features I like the most. I'm not saying there aren't other cool new features, especially within individual Apple applications; but these are the features to which I truly look forward, the ones that actually make me eager to start using Leopard:

In just a few days all these improvements will be mine. (Rubs hands with evident glee.) Oh, and did I mention that instructions on using some of these features (and more) will be in my forthcoming "Take Control of Customizing Leopard [10]" ebook? You can't have a copy yet, since Apple would have my head for revealing cool stuff ahead of time, but you can pre-order it now (and then download the full version as soon as Leopard becomes available).
