This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-10-08 at 1:37 a.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/08-Oct-07

by Jeff Carlson

Internet Slow OverNight? What could be causing a significant performance drop during late-night Internet access? (6 messages [1])

iPhone bricks can be revived -- Unlocked iPhones that were killed by the iPhone 1.1.1 update might not be permanent doorstops after all. (1 message [2])

Recommendation on Project Management Software? -- We all have projects; is there a preferred program for managing them? (1 message [3])

Installing Timeslips 2007 in Parallels 3.0 -- A reader looks for advice installing software in a Parallels virtual disk; other items can be read from the CD drive, so why won't the installer run? (2 messages [4])

Getting a cell phone for use in Europe -- When traveling for business, a reader needs easy phone access without incurring high roaming charges. What's the best approach? (5 messages [5])

Need assistance with GoLive -- Sometimes it's easiest to stick with a software version that works. After GoLive 6 died on a reader's computer, and the installation discs disappeared over the years, he's looking to buy a new copy. (3 messages [6])

Radioshift TiVos Internet Radio -- Adam's review of this new utility prompts a reader to share his negative experience. Is Radioshift at fault, or did installing it just happen to coincide with other problems on the user's Mac? (2 messages [7])

A recommendation for White Label Webhosting? If you're looking for information on Web hosting, this is the place to go: not only are there suggested companies, but also a very good history of the hosting business in general from Chuck Goolsbee of digital.forest. (4 messages [8])

Mac Market Share Rising at Cornell University -- Cornell isn't the only university seeing a rise in Mac use, with impressive gains at Boston University and Princeton also showing the same trend. (8 messages [9])

Address book software -- Apple's Address Book is centrally located for being the main contact storage on the Mac, but its shortcomings can be significant if you're coming from something more robust (but outdated). (3 messages [10])

Another Eudora->Mail switch question -- A few annoyances came up after a reader switched to Mail, prompting questions such as how to edit and mark incoming messages. (4 messages [11])
