This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-08-27 at 4:35 p.m.
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iPhone, iLife '08 Receive Bug-Fix Updates

by Jeff Carlson

Apple recently updated the iPhone and two iLife '08 applications, fixing mostly unspecified bugs. iPhone 1.0.2 [1] offers no details as to what's changed other than "bug fixes" and, like all iPhone updates, is available only through iTunes. iMovie 7.0.1 [2], available both via Software Update and as a standalone download, not only offers unknown fixes, but also solves an issue with publishing movies to .Mac Web galleries; the updater is a 9 MB download. Speaking of publishing Web sites, iWeb 2.0.1 [3] (a 12 MB download) tackles problems when upgrading and publishing sites created using iWeb 1.x.
