This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-08-13 at 4:44 p.m.
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Hardware-Related Updates Follow Apple Announcements

by Jeff Carlson

Not long after Steve Jobs left the stage at last week's Apple press event, a succession of small updates began to pop up, some of which applied to the brand-new machines themselves. The following updates are available via Software Update or as stand-alone downloads.

People who unpacked their new aluminum iMacs were treated to iMac Software Update 1.0 [1], which provides unspecified "important bug fixes." It's a 5.1 MB download.

The Keyboard Software Update 1.1 [2] is intended for people who purchased the aluminum Apple Keyboard separately and enables features such as the remapped function keys that adjust brightness and activate ExposΘ. The update, a 32.1 MB download, covers both the wired and wireless versions, though the latter isn't expected to ship until next month.

The Mac Pro SMC Firmware Update 1.1 [3] applies to Apple's desktop tower Macs and adjusts the fan behavior; it's a 544K download.

The company's latest professional laptops also gained a boost in the form of MacBook Pro Software Update 1.1 [4], which contains important bug fixes and also addresses issues with Motion [5] versions 2 and 3. The 14.7 MB download applies to the 2.2 GHz and 2.4 GHz MacBook Pro models.
