This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-07-02 at 2:18 p.m.
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Adobe Ships Rest of Creative Suite 3

by Glenn Fleishman

Adobe Systems has broken with tradition by releasing products promised for third quarter of 2007 on the second day of that quarter. A quarter-based release typically means "as close to the last day of the quarter as possible so we can book the revenue in that quarter."

In April, Adobe released 9 of the 13 main applications that form Creative Suite 3 [1] (CS3) as both individual programs and 6 editions (see "Adobe Announces Creative Suite 3 Plans, Pricing, Dates [2]," 2007-04-02, and "Adobe Ships Creative Suite 3, Offers Video Betas [3]," 2007-04-16). The released programs spanned their entire print and online range, including Photoshop (in two versions, no less), InDesign, and Dreamweaver. The company then promised four video and audio tools and support applications by the third quarter of this year.

Today, Adobe shipped After Effects, Premiere Pro, Soundbooth, and Encore [4] for Intel-based Macs and Windows XP and Vista, along with two Windows-only applications, OnLocation and Ultra. OnLocation, a direct-to-disk recording tool, works with Boot Camp, Adobe says. The two delayed editions are now shipping, too: Production Premium ($1,700) and Master Suite ($2,500). Master Suite contains the entire CS3 line of products.
