This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-08-19 at 12:00 p.m.
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Netscape 3.0 Ships

by Geoff Duncan

Netscape 3.0 Ships -- In what might be the most anticlimactic product release of the summer, Netscape shipped the "final" version Netscape Navigator 3.0 today, after about five months of beta releases. The download package is 3.5 (binary) to 5 MB (binhexed), and naturally Netscape's FTP sites are currently overloaded, so you might want to wait a few days before downloading the release. Navigator 3.0 includes Java capability, LiveAudio and QuickTime plug-ins, support for new Netscape-only HTML tags for multi-column text, and a host of other enhancements, partly at the cost of a 7 MB to 9 MB RAM allocation. Netscape is hyping its Live3D and CoolTalk Navigator plug-ins, but they don't appear to be available for the Macintosh. Also, the final 3.0 version of Navigator Gold (with HTML authoring tools) isn't out yet, but I expect Netscape will release it soon. [GD]

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