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Take Control News/04-Jun-07

by Adam C. Engst

Two New Ebooks Improve Your TV Experience -- Whether the video you see on your TV screen is too blurry, too jagged, too small, too old, too new, too boring, too weird, or just too much, you can make it better with the advice in two new ebooks.

Are you tired of hearing how your analog viewing habits make you a crusty dinosaur, but worried that DVDs from your Netflix subscription won't look good on a new high-definition digital TV? Or are you wondering how you can survive shopping for a new TV without paying too much for features you don't need? Learn how to shop like a pro and get the right peripherals, find HD content, and set up your new system with the second edition of "Take Control of Digital TV [1]." If you're like us, you're also downloading video from the Internet or wondering if you can just use your computer as a TV, so the ebook also looks at how to bring your computer into the mix, with notes on video-download sites and products such as the Apple TV and Elgato's EyeTV line. The ebook includes coupons for $5 off at Small Dog Electronics and $20 off the purchase of Elgato's EyeTV Hybrid.

Of course, the just-enhanced Apple TV is the hottest mix-your-computer-with-your-TV product around, and if you want to know more about how to set it up, work with it, and troubleshoot any problems, you can find friendly, expert advice in the "Macworld Apple TV Superguide [2]." Buy both books together and save $5.
