This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-03-19 at 12:44 p.m.
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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/19-Mar-07

by TidBITS Staff

Nike+iPod Only for Fitness Runners -- Adam's article about the running device elicits discussion of stride lengths and the variation in the Nike+iPod's readings. (14 messages [1])

TidBITS 2007 Reader Survey Results: Who Are You? Readers respond to the first results of our reader survey, including readers under the age of 21 and a question of how the data breaks down. (3 messages [2])

I lived through Daylight Saving 2007 and survived! Disaster averted, readers note some of the side effects of this year's adjusted Daylight Saving Time. (3 messages [3])

Mac OS X update weirdness? Mac OS X 10.4.9 causes some sporadic problems, which seem to be solved by using the combo updater on Intel-based Macs. Also, a new delay in ejecting discs appears to be a feature, not a problem. (11 messages [4])
