This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2007-02-26 at 11:34 a.m.
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Take Control News/26-Feb-07

by Adam C. Engst

Month of Apple Sales #4: The Switcher's Kit -- We all know at least one malware-harried Windows user who's on the fence about switching to the Mac. But as much as Mac OS X is simple, secure, and pleasant to use, changing operating systems is still a big step. Help ease their transition with our Take Control Switcher's Kit: 7 ebooks guaranteed to help explain which Mac to buy, approaches for moving data from Windows to Mac OS X, how to run any necessary Windows applications on the Mac, and the best techniques for learning and maintaining Mac OS X. This essential bundle costs only $25.18 - a 60 percent discount from the list price of $62.95. (And yes, since we don't use obnoxious copy prevention technologies, you can just download the ebooks and give them to your friend via email or on CD.)

To take advantage of this discount, just purchase from the Month of Apple Sales #4: The Switcher's Kit [1] page.

This, and the rest of the offers in our Month of Apple Sales, are available only through 06-Mar-07, so now is the time to get started with Tiger, learn more about iLife, increase your knowledge of Mac OS X, or help a friend switch to the Mac.
