This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1996-09-02 at 12:00 p.m.
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Internet Config 1.3

by Adam C. Engst

Internet Config 1.3 -- Peter Lewis and Quinn have released Internet Config 1.3, their public domain Internet Configuration System that centralizes a number of your Internet preferences, such as your email address and preferred Web browser. New in Internet Config 1.3, along with a few bug fixes, are windows for the World Wide Web, where you can set your home page and background color, and for Firewalls, where you set all sorts of firewall and proxy settings. It's worth picking up a copy of Internet Config 1.3 at some point, but users of 1.2 aren't missing out on any amazing functionality. Look for Internet Config to appear on Info-Mac mirror sites in a day or two - it was just uploaded Monday. In the meantime, it's available at the URL below. [ACE]

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